I'm having a problem with jumper positions for booting from an SD card. Every reference I see is to alternate jumper pin positions of J1-J4.
I see that this process is meant to be easy-peasy lemon squeezy, but this board is different.
The only thing that stands out, has instructions printed on the board to change pins on J1 to Nand flash or flash JTAG. I have no idea what either one means.
I didn't move any jumpers, cause I didn't want to do something I can't undo and I couldn't find any answers on google to help me out.
Here is some photos. One shows J1 up close.
It shows J1, but it's up next to the fan pins and not next to any other jumpers. My question is what do I need to do to boot from SD?
Edit: On the first picture showing the entire board, I made a big circle and maybe mislabeled it "J1-J14", which might add some confusion. The second photo shows the actual "J1" jumper in question.