Auction starts now & will close 30-07-2018 12pm CET.
Place bids in this thread. Highest bid at close of Auction, gets the Antminer.
I snipped out all irrelevant parts. You made a commitment to auction of the above item. You gave terms in regards to that Item. People bid and you then tell them you already sold it elsewhere.
This seems to be a common thing of low ranked accounts and hopefully DT will start leaving feedback for individuals treating the auction board and it's members with 0 respect.
If the auction didn't go the way you wanted I would refrain from using it in the future. Either use the Computer Hardware board for sales or go back to ebay.
I ran into a similar issue and am confident that user will not do so again in the future, should they I will create a thread in reputation requesting DT tag them, I would advise anyone in this thread to consider that action if they feel jilted by the outcome of this auction.