Antminer S1 for sale and a Gawminer The Fury 1.2-1.4 mhs scrypt miner .
The bitfury comes with power supply and data cable to be able to hook it up to a pc .
The antminer S1 won't come with power supply as I will be keeping that for putting into a new pc .
I don't have pics at the moment but will add them in a day or so when I can get hold of a phone to take pictures with .
The The fury has been in my bedroom running from my pc and the antminer has been in my basement running .
If interested you can make me an offer but will have to include shipping as well . Must be in the united states as it is very costly to send over sea's to other countries . Shipping can most likely be calculated on the usps website as long as you know the current weight of an antminer S1 , and if you are buying both at once I will just add the The fury in for no shipping charge .
So again if interested just make me an offer and I will go from there . And escrow can be used too protect us both .
Im pretty sure he ment mistake was only in topic
And yes , that is the one . only mine says "The Fury" under GawMiners . You can look very very close at that pic enlarged and barely see The Fury under GawMiners , but its there in red writing .