Hey, in the test, the miner was the only one connected to the 1500W PSU
Seller said contact Bitmain as you also did earlier.
And I've just received answer from Bitmain, it follows:
-Hello sir,
-400 freq is not default. so you have overclocked unit.
-and it probably fried something.
-try moving cables from first and last positions on control pcb to second and third. ones closer to each other.
-return freq to 350. you will maybe save something.
-since unit is overclocked it is not under warranty any more.
-best regards,
Not very helpfull :-/
I just took the PCB out and removed the heatsink, when i did, i noticed the screws seems to be used, they were slightly damaged and not tightened equally.
I also discovered that 2 heatsink on the outside were missing.
I'd Googled pictures of the PCB, and noticed that they do not seems to be there from the factory, os I might have bought a used one.
Is there anybody there knows if it its normally with heat sink on both sides of the PCB? You can se a picture on this link.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9xcbv97frfdnwi0/AntminerS5PCB.jpg?dl=0Shortened it so does not take up half a page. Sorry to hear your troubles.
If a seller shipped you a OC'ed unit I would contact them for a refund. Sadly there is a reason they don't support OC'ing and it's because if done to high or wrong it can do damage to the unit. And it's also summer so add in heat plus OC it is not a good combo.
Also from official warranty policy since you bought seconded hand and not original buyer it also does not fall under warranty -https://bitmain.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202661989-Limited-90-Day-Warranty-Terms . Also we don't know from seller it could also be older then 90 day's. So sadly there is multiple things making it not a warranty fix.
Did you get it off ebay or where did you get the unit? If ebay I would talk to paypal. If you can get refund I would buy it direct from Bitmain. You will get a good unit that has not lived a hard life OC'ed, and has a warranty.
If you cannot return it you can ask about a repair not under warranty (meaning one you pay for).
Let us know how it ends up.