OK I have done a bit of searching on the Sidekick USB and it seems that it can achieve 0.33J/GH which is probably best in class at the moment? So to keep this thread on topic, it's already been reclassified from Hardware to Speculation
This for me begs the question that as the S5 & the Sidekick are both based on the BM1384 chip, if the Sidekick can do 0.33J/GH why can't the S5?
I see 4 possibilities.
1) The S5 can do it, you just need to find the right settings.
2) The generation of the core voltage in the Sidekick is more efficient.
3) There is something in the Sidekick code / chip setup etc that Sidekick have found that Bitmain have missed.
4) Something else.
Have to say I can't get too excited about a USB stick with 8GH. However I could get very excited by understanding how they have done it and applying it to an S5 or if they have plans for a product with 800 - 1000 GH based on the same solution and J/GH.
3 is close enough to the right answer.
Now part of it is the 1384 chip seems to need a kick of power to start.
So an s-5 can't start at 10.5 volts it can start at 12 volts and if you set it on freq 300 vs 350 start it at 12 volts then dial down the psu you
can drop to 10.5 or 11 volts.
So you need a server psu plat or gold quality that will allow power to be dialed down to 10.5 - 11 volts .
Someone sells a server psu that allow voltage to be lowered.
if you do all this I think you get 11/12 x .52 = .47 watts a gh.
to better then this you need a different board design.
I not trying to be negative I am just point out why home mining is dying.
Look at it like a big business.
What is easier to do make better mining gear or find cheaper power? The answer is cheaper power is a much safer way to do BTC mining.
In the USA Washington state has 3 to 5 cent power.
In China there are areas with 3 to 5 cent power.
In other places of the world there are areas with 3 to 5 cent power.
So I make a 1000gh machine it uses 320 watts I have 8 cent power. I spend 60-90 days building it .
you use 1150gh s-5's you have 3 cent power. you wait 6 days for it to ship to you
you crush me . Just do the math.
So if you are bitmaintech you rather make .52 watt s-5's since they are easy to make and you have 3 to 5 cent power.