First few hours it was doing an 5.2 TH/s average, then it was like 5.19 Th/S, now,after 2 days it is doing an 5.18 TH/s average even after a soft reboot.
Looking at this, it makes me belive the S7 is slowly degrading over time. If it lost 0.02 Th/S in just 2 days how much will it lose in 2 months ? or 6 months ?
The most worring to me is that I have seen it reported by many other users of S7 in the official thread, so this is not just a particular case.
Toughts and opinions about this ?
There is absolutely nothing to be worried about this small lost in performance over time.
It is complicated to answer this.
But maybe you are in trouble maybe not.
Heat and voltage drop run hand and hand. To know something is wrong here you would have needed to take 1hour temp readings of the psu
or psu's
Simply put 2 units pulling 10.4 th = 2600 watts and if it is on one psu the temps warmed a bit inside the psu.. say 50c vs 45c. that could drop the power from the psu from 12.15 volts to 12.11 volts that small drop would cause your problems.
You can test this out by clocking at 600 and testing the volts out on the psu 1 time every hour for 1 day.
if volts are rock steady the hash should not drop.
if volts are rock steady after 1 day boost to 625 repeat testing.
With complete certainty the 3 statements below are true.
1) the s-7 want a hot psu 12.1 or 12.2 volts
2) sagging volts = sagging hash.
3) hot psu = sagging volts