I ended up getting a Intel Compute Stick thing (I think it's what it's called!) and yeah, say goodbye to EVER getting ROI for this little U3 toy! Eh - I'm just running it for fun so who cares.
What I cannot wrap my brain around is why anyone would select Windows as their preferred software for anything Bitcoin. The risks of virus' or hacks are just not rational.
I might suggest giving a look at an RPI. You can get a lot for your money on this.
Linux is not that bad after you get the hang of it. That stick just seems kinda high compared to an RPI. If you do it with the stick please document it as I don't think we have seen it.
I've done RPI in the past, but it seems that Minepeon is no longer updated.
You can use CGminer on raspbian (the default os) on RPI. It actually is a pretty nice setup.
There is also now minera that some run that is a nice GUI. Some prefer it.
Ok thanks, I'll check it out! I'll also try cgminer on mac, thanks bitsolutions.