If you calculate, when you 'faucet' for 1 hour straight, ( faucet avg reward of 400 satoshis ) , you would get about 400 X 4 X 60 = 96000, which is close to 100000 satoshis, so if you 'faucet' 3 hours every day for a week, you can easily get 0.02 BTC!
There aren't many faucets out there with rewards more than 1000 satoshis, so if you just claim from them, you might not be able to claim continuously, so I think faucet rewards of 300 satoshis min is okay.
More of such faucets can be found here, : FaucetBox Faucets
For me, I do not use faucet that frequently, but when I do, I'll run through the list of faucets more than 300 satoshis per claim and get about 30000 satoshis.
Well it depend user to use, i don't like any faucet less than 800 satoshi. Also there are may faucets giving min 1000, see (bit.makejar.com) list also there are some which are not listed with them like faucetamerica, bitcoinsheep. Even i don't use faucet much just looking for views since faucet are there that means people are using them whether they are paying 100 or 1000.
Anyways thanks for your thoughts.