Github for release, made easy.1. Create a Github account.
2. Download the latest Github Windows client the Github install and use your log in details from Github to log into the client.
3. Navigate to you Github account, click repositories->new. Enter the repository name, description and public or private. Public allows everyone to see your code and is recommended for advanced users who can push codes quickly. Most launches will choose a paid private account, allowing them to pre-load the release source code and open the repository from public to private instantly.
Click done, then on the next screen click the green Set up in Desktop button. Allow the browser to launch the Github client, select the location of your Github depositories, usually in the Github folder of your documents. Click ok. You now have a folder that you can update your source code and easily push commits to Github.
Easy Pushing Commits/Launch Code.Copy and paste your source code into the documents/github/yourcoinnamefolder. In your Windows Github client, click on your client name on the left hand side. You Github client should recognise a host of changes if present. Fill in the commit details, select the files that need to be committed, usually all and on by default and press commit.
On the top right hand side will be a publish or sync box, click that and the Github Windows client will push the changes and source code to your repository on Github.
Easy Revert Commits.Open your Github client and ensure its sync'd. Highlight your repository. Click on the commit to you wish to rollback, then revert. On the top right hand side will be a publish or sync box, click that and the Github Windows client will push the revert to your repository on Github.
Easy Pushing Updates.
Log into your Github Windows client. Click on the altcoin tab in the left and click sync to ensure your local code is up to date. Edit your local code in your documents/github/yourcoinname folder. Once your Github client picks up the changes enter the commit details and commit to Github.
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