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https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/ksjx6i/any_sufficiently_advanced_technology_is/I know most people will dismiss this without reading it, out of those who do read this will dismiss my claim after reading what I have to say next. I'm hoping Reddit will definitely give me the best results in finding the people I'm looking for. But if I were to tell you how I do this thing; this simple thing, I have found only 1 in 100 will have already come to know and understand the sufficient knowledge and wisdom required to believe what I have to say; And yes I really do think it's about a level of knowledge and understanding that one must reach in order to comprehend what I have to say. Closed-minded people--Turn back now...
https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/740_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy82ZTRlYmQyOTE0MjQyZTAzMGFlMDBlZDI5MGE4NDFiYy5qcGc=.jpgI have been predicting Bitcoin's movements every day since right before it went public. Before that, I had messed around on the dark web for a bit of fun; exchanging Bitcoin at around $7.00 per coin. So I witnessed the birth of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, and in recent years I have found a way to predict Bitcoin's movements with stunning accuracy. I am just now coming forward because every attempt to reach out to those close to me who have investing power has failed because of their skepticism in cryptocurrency, and lack of understanding of how it works; Therefore they are afraid of cryptocurrency.
In short; I can feel the energy of all high entropy, highly active electromagnetic living organisms on this planet. This is the part that most of you will hop off, but for that 1% that doesn't, I will answer any and every question openly and honestly. The only question I will not answer publicly is Bitcoin's upcoming movements--That I will answer privately only to those I know are serious, not only about learning about how I predict Bitcoin, but also the highest order of Truth there is.
Inbox me if you are interested. I can't take it anymore, and I'm going crazy. It's like watching money burn. I don't have the funds to invest but I kept a portfolio at one point, back when it crashed due to Covid as if I did. I played with $100,000 (fake money) and barely tried, with minimal effort it took me 30 days to turn it into $148,000. And this was just me playing the volatility. For me, volatility is a good thing. If you know when something is about to change directions, well-you know the rest.