It seems that you own this website?
Are you kidding me ?
I am not the owner of this site. I don't know how it works, but there is a payout list, how many paid or who are your payouts. I lost a lot of money there, I have debts and loans to pay back. I lost about $ 7,000. I feel really bad about it. and with the people I spoke to, they artificially fuel this way of earning.
So you expect us to believe you with that sweet words? Do you know that it's already use by so many scammers here? And if he's really great then why do you think he need an investors or whatever you called it? And if you try to earn from referrals then this is not the best platform for you to go since the people here are smart enough to see if those word things is good or not better find a good ways to earn in legit ways.
do you know any better ways ??