
Topic: Anyone else feels that US didn't take COVID-19 serious enough? (Read 617 times)

Activity: 4256
Merit: 1313
Trump closed his eyes and held fingers in his ears long enough. Now it's late to contain COVID-19 in the US successfully.
He still refuses to see the threat of the virus, and only focuses on the business side. People getting ill is not a great business...

When you had people like Fauci lying for a year and advising the administration with these lies, it makes things difficult.  The Coronavirus task force was listing to partisan hacks who were willing to lie to their bosses.  All the items below (plus many more) were what the "scientific experts" were telling the task force.

If you recall, first Fauci lied about "you don't need masks" until late spring/summer 2020. He admitted it saying lied to conserve masks for others. Eventually he came clean and said masks "only protected others".  Then (by November 2020), he said it didn't just protect others, it protected you also.  Shortly thereafter he said two masks were better.  All those are on video.

Fauci and other so-called experts were saying as late as late (and mid) February 2020 - and advising the administration - to "skip the mask and wash hands" and that the risk to the US was "minuscule".  They were also attacking Trump for the Jan 2020 travel ban and advising (a) it wasn't necessary and (b) shouldn't be expanded.   All on video.

You also had people like Cuomo, Bill D in NY and similar characters in CA saying it was "xenophobic" and "racist" to stay away from crowds, restaurants, parades, and parties in February and March 2020.  They were advising people to go out and eat and "live your lives."

Now imagine if Trump had had the support of the US House and US Senate, and fired these experts, completely shut down air travel unless there was a 2 week quarantine in January of 2020 instead of only doing China in January 2020. The same people who said he was racist, xenophobic  and anti-science for doing it from China would've raised more hell anyway, claimed he was still "anti-science" and things would've been different, but the political nature of the NY and CA governors and House prevented more stringent measures since they were unwilling to work with the administration, only knee-jerk oppose them.

In short, anyone who is solely blaming the Trump admin is misinformed, a partisan hack, and/or has an anti-liberty, pro-authoritarian agenda. 

Activity: 1498
Merit: 1116
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No one envisaged a pandemic situation this big. The US as well as some other countries didn't take the virus serious enough until it had their health systems on their knees. Because of this negligence and non-chalancy, the United States has recorded over 481 thousand deaths, with States like California still experiencing a lockdown because of the high number of cases.
Activity: 3122
Merit: 1032
#1 VIP Crypto Casino
Trump closed his eyes and held fingers in his ears long enough. Now it's late to contain COVID-19 in the US successfully.
He still refuses to see the threat of the virus, and only focuses on the business side. People getting ill is not a great business...

I believe this is how most of the world thinks about America and their leader right now.
Just in United States of America alone, there have been 8,403,121 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 222,507 deaths.
This is not even close to other world countries because the Americans thought it was a hoax to begin with.
hero member
Activity: 2114
Merit: 562
I'm not been seen or travel to america but as i've saw on the news, the Fed Gov't in my opinion, didn'y take seriously the covid19 problem specially Pres. Trump, as we saw him in most of his media interview he stated and chanllenge people not to fear in covid, now as far as i know and understand as per his statement, it is okay to him to not wearing face mask or face shield and also he is not against in social gathering, that's why america won and number 1 spot in the whole world that has so many covid infected people and the saddest part is, America also has the huge number of deaths.
hero member
Activity: 1288
Merit: 504
I don't agree to that fact @OP. No one knew to what extent the damage would be else, the Chinese government would have done all within their power to ensure the virus doesn't cross it's boarders. I'll ask you this,
Did you ever thought from onset that, the virus would plague the world up to this day?
Did you ever believe that a cure or vaccine would have been so difficult to find up till now?
The point is that, their was no preparation before hand by any government of the world to tackle a problem like this and this very much serves as an eye opener to install platforms to tackle isolation and containment of high infectious diseases such as this one. All that should or could be done have been done and is still being done to this day.
I know Americans value the life's of it's citizens than many other nations of the world so, I don't believe at the point when they got a mortality news, they still held back to contain the situation.
sr. member
Activity: 2520
Merit: 366
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I think people have forgotten that there is still a deadly virus called COVID-19.
yep, that's what's happening in the citizen, especially in my country...
all governments in the world have been very serious about dealing with the corona outbreak, it's just that people are not disciplined with existing rules, especially in democratic countries such as the US, India, and Brazil which causes the number infected with the corona continue to increase.
Activity: 2086
Merit: 1035
As a physician, this virus has truly been a wake up call. Not because of the virus itself which is not particularly alarming, but rather the blatant misdirection and lies by the media. Most of the reports you see on TV couldn't pass a 5th grade science test let alone talk about antibody classification. There is a definitely a wanton narrative to this whole pandemic - unfortunately it is way above my pay grade.
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
I think the government is taking the pandemic serious,

False, I will cite some articles regarding the President spreading solutions on how to fight COVID 19;

if you treat trump as 'the government' then that is a flaw. trump is the entertaining puppet of a tv drama.
the actual government funded research and actually organised things. trumps actions is just to go on TV make a few rants. and when the real government do good things he takes the praise and says he done it. and when things go bad he blames other people

WHO/china did not organise the repatriation flights. on the 3rd of february the US state department said 'people staying in china should prepare themselves by stocking up on food' after only repatriating ~200 people from wuhan and then quarenting them. .. but then after 3rd of february once trump announced 'leave no one behind' the policy changed and more people evacuated but this time with no quarentine

once you separate the media presence of puppet speakers from actual government actions. you start to see that the flaws lay in how media presented covid via the puppets infront of tv cameras, that twisted the actual research into sloppy puppet opinions. which then make the puppets listen to media and then start changing policy to meet what media think the people want to hear
full member
Activity: 1148
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I think the government is taking the pandemic serious, it is the people that are not taking the threat seriously. The government did the measures to prevent further spread but people still went to those events and made the infection chain longer, the problem right now is that everyone is claiming to be a scientist and stuff, this in turn made other confused on what to do with the situation. With fools inciting panic through misinformation and armchair scientist saying they know things are making things more worse. I am not saying that the government has done everything, they too lack and they are not perfect but most of the blame should be on the foolish mass that cause the panic.

False, I will cite some articles regarding the President spreading solutions on how to fight COVID 19;

Now tell me, how can the people take this threat seriously, if the leader who they follow believes in bizarre ways on how to cure, treat, and cope with the pandemic. He even suggested that "it is like a flu", and you can cure it by injecting disinfectant. Also he is not a big fan of FACE MASKS before because of the research of Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, a scientist/researcher who refuted the statement a while back.

You are definitely not looking at the wider picture on "how" this problem still continue to exist, and "why" is this problem existed in the first place. I myself even watched some video of Americans convincing other people who wears a mask to now wear them because of the research of this Dr. Anthony S. Fauci. If the government really take this issue seriously, they should be the first one to spread ways on how to counter, and slow the transfer of the virus. But instead, they are the one who doesn't believe in doing so. Ergo, the government did NOT take this pandemic seriously.
Activity: 398
Merit: 10
No one took COVID-19 seriously, especially not people.

Even to this day, in Italy, there are still caffee's open serving people.
But it comes as no surprise, until last week, everyone called it "just a flu"

That's quick one now let me shock you, out here in Africa let's say 24 States are really taking things serious lockdown every where u can't go from one state to another and to make the case worst there is no food supply due to borders been close down. Africans are crying of hunger than that of the covid19.

In Europe the borders are too closed. People can go from one country to another, but when you enter a foreign country you have to be in isolation for 14 days. However, delivery trucks can go trough the borders without a problem. The drivers of those trucks just don't exit the vehicle and they can't spread the desease.
Border closure and 14-day quarantine for those coming from the epidemic zone is essential. We should only give priority to trucks carrying goods and food.
In the country, we have been preventing epidemics as above and have been successful in controlling the pandemic. We need to follow rules to protect the health of ourselves and the community.
People claiming to be children of God refused to wear masks and disobeyed the rules. They are infected and they deserve it. Do not underestimate a pandemic or any other health problem. Without the advancement of health, humans would not have made the progress they are today.
Stable health for economic development.
jr. member
Activity: 38
Merit: 3
I think people have forgotten that there is still a deadly virus called COVID-19.
Activity: 2828
Merit: 2472
Everybody takes it too seriously. The real Pandemic is insulin resistance
Without that, covid is a minor nuisance
full member
Activity: 547
Merit: 109
Not only in US but also in another country, statement from WHO about covid-19 that will never disappear make every president and government arround the world have to make decisions quickly, extend or end lockdowns.
As we know extend or end the lockdowns always have big effect for many aspect, especially social and economy. At the end only your immunity will save yourself
sr. member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 315
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I think the government is taking the pandemic serious, it is the people that are not taking the threat seriously. The government did the measures to prevent further spread but people still went to those events and made the infection chain longer, the problem right now is that everyone is claiming to be a scientist and stuff, this in turn made other confused on what to do with the situation. With fools inciting panic through misinformation and armchair scientist saying they know things are making things more worse. I am not saying that the government has done everything, they too lack and they are not perfect but most of the blame should be on the foolish mass that cause the panic.
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
in january/february there were two hotzones.. california and new york

these occured not from wind blowing the virus. not due to china demanding that americans should go home.. but instead that trump/america organised repatriation flights to grab americans and take them out of china and bring them home.

it was US flights. not chinese flights.
infact the new york hotzone originated from repatriation flights.. FROM EUROPE
yep those early lot of people who got in in newyork were contact traced and it was found they came from europe
heck more studies show that france had it as early as december 27th and yet didnt realise it. and so it wasnt until mid january/february did france start to react.

chinas timeline of events from december 18th to january 7th (first case to world announcement) shows rational process. and does not show any hiding of events.
its clearly shows that using common sense and science. there is no proof/no way to declare a pandemic on december 18th when there is only one case.
there is no proof/no way to declare it a pandemic on say december 25th when other patients came into hospital. because at that point they were only finding it as a local case which could be foodpoisoning/sabotage/terrorist isolated cases.
they sent samples to china CDC and gave those results to WHO and other chinese hospitals by december 30th and WHO made an announcement on december 31st.
all while the cases in hospitals were all linked to the wetmarket. so still a local isolated event
it wasnt until secondary infectee's they didnt go to the wetmarket, did they realise its not isolated but a epidemic

any action after january 7th where by america then ignored/ dismissed. is all on america

the cause of an epidemic turning into a pandemic. is REPATRIATION FLIGHTS and lack of testing and quarantining those people once they arrived.
yep its said 50k 'repatriation flights' passengers got into america but 50k were not locked in a hotel. they were sent to their own home with only an advisory to to mingle with others.
yet china was isolating its own population.
america didnt follow the same plan as china.

next time a epidemic happens. governments should just pay the 'ex-patriots' to stay in that country and prolong their vacation for months. all fully inclusive.
much cheaper and safer for everyone
full member
Activity: 480
Merit: 106

I agree.

It is pointless pointing the finger to China. They were dealing with a unique and unknown case.

Everyone else could see it coming much more clearly. Containing it within your own population is the responsibility of the leadership of the affected country.

Blaming others is just an immature way of dodging responsibility. True leadership takes responsibility and action.

History will write about the heroes, cowards, competence and sheer incompetence.
Although I agree about Trump is too incomplete to contain and downplay the dangers of COVID-19 when it first appeared in the US, it's not pointless to point and shame China for what they did when the virus at the early stage in China. Yes, you can criticize Trump's incomplete action on preventing and contain COVID-19 all you want but China has its fair share of responsibility as well so I don't see why Trump is in wrong when he criticizes China?

I saw it myself, when Trump with his tweet "just a flu bro" so I'm angry as much as you do. Then he goes on schizo about "democrat's media try to stir up trouble to make his term looks bad for the upcoming election" bullshit crap. Heck, some of his hardcore support still go on /pol/ with their daily thread about COVID-19 is a hoax, a ploy to restrict freedom rights and other bullshit. But I also hate China PRC for missing a golden time, the best time to prevent this pandemic back in late December 2019, before it spreading to the whole world right now.

Think about it like this: What Trump did, pointing the finger to China is not just for Americans or try to hide his incompetence but speaks for other countries that affected by this pandemic. A lot of resentments toward China PRC because of this pandemic hurt every sector, hurt everyone especially the poor. The cover-up Wuhan wet market, arrest doctor Li when he tries to spread the news, disinformation with WHO that throw a lot of countries off guard, hoarding medical supplies and using it as a hostage,...
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1239
No one took COVID-19 seriously, especially not people.

Even to this day, in Italy, there are still caffee's open serving people.
But it comes as no surprise, until last week, everyone called it "just a flu"

That's quick one now let me shock you, out here in Africa let's say 24 States are really taking things serious lockdown every where u can't go from one state to another and to make the case worst there is no food supply due to borders been close down. Africans are crying of hunger than that of the covid19.

In Europe the borders are too closed. People can go from one country to another, but when you enter a foreign country you have to be in isolation for 14 days. However, delivery trucks can go trough the borders without a problem. The drivers of those trucks just don't exit the vehicle and they can't spread the desease.
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1926
฿ear ride on the rainbow slide
in hindsight
chinas firt case was a guy with mild flu symptoms Dec 10th. just went to a local clinic and got normal flu meds and went back to work.
december 18th he was hospitalised with breathing issues. it was still an isolated single incident so no big panic.
it took 3 weeks of other people with similar symptoms and then looking back to find th pattern about the wetmarket.
but even then they were not sure if it was some localised infection contamination via food only affecting those at wetmarket.
it was then on january 9th that they realised it was contagious/transmittable that they informed the world

3 weeks from first hospitalisation shows china did work fast.

however UK/USA also knew about it on january 10th.. yet USA 2 months later are now only just making temporary hospitals
UK/US waited until march.
UK/US tried to continue to get people in china back to home UK/US countries thus bringing it to UK/US.

so yea china 3 weeks vs UK/US 2 months.. i feel UK/US took too long

I agree.

It is pointless pointing the finger to China. They were dealing with a unique and unknown case.

Everyone else could see it coming much more clearly. Containing it within your own population is the responsibility of the leadership of the affected country.

Blaming others is just an immature way of dodging responsibility. True leadership takes responsibility and action.

History will write about the heroes, cowards, competence and sheer incompetence.
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
in hindsight
chinas first case was a woman with mild flu symptoms Dec 10th. just went to a local clinic and got normal flu meds and went back to work.
december 18th she was hospitalised with breathing issues. it was still an isolated single incident so no big panic.
it took 3 weeks of other people with similar symptoms and then looking back to find the pattern about the wetmarket.
but even then they were not sure if it was some localised infection contamination via food only affecting those at wetmarket.
it was then on january 9th that they realised it was contagious/transmittable that they informed the world

3 weeks from first hospitalisation shows china did work fast.

however UK/USA also knew about it on january 10th.. yet USA 2 months later are now only just making temporary hospitals
UK/US waited until march.
UK/US tried to continue to get people in china back to home UK/US countries thus bringing it to UK/US.

so yea china 3 weeks vs UK/US 2 months.. i feel UK/US took too long
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
Almost no country took it seriously enough. There is an exception, which we'll come to in a moment...

Sure, at the beginning. But it's not the same if they didn't take it seriously after China, or after China, Italy, Spain...
It's somewhat understandable that Italy didn't take it seriously after receiving cryptic reports from China. But WTF the rest of the world didn't take it seriously after Italy?
How stupid you must be to think that this shitty virus will need a visa for your country...

No idea what your problem is. I'm saying that South Korea flattened the curve very impressively, due to their recent previous experience with MERS. If you disagree, fine.
Also I'm pretty sure that the virus doesn't need a visa to enter a country - that was your idea.

Some other countries are certainly acting quickly now, as they have the example of what can happen with Italy (also Spain). Of course it's a bit too late. South Korea was before Italy, and didn't have the benefit of seeing what could happen, which for me makes their response even more commendable.
jr. member
Activity: 53
Merit: 1
Almost no country took it seriously enough. There is an exception, which we'll come to in a moment...

Sure, at the beginning. But it's not the same if they didn't take it seriously after China, or after China, Italy, Spain...
It's somewhat understandable that Italy didn't take it seriously after receiving cryptic reports from China. But WTF the rest of the world didn't take it seriously after Italy?
How stupid you must be to think that this shitty virus will need a visa for your country...
Activity: 2282
Merit: 1041

A lot are not taking it seriously until it reaches in our country and killed popular people. Only then our department of Health orders covid testing kit and so right now we have more than thousands of people infected and maybe about to die. I heard people in NY are resisting to self quarantine, this is more dangerous.  We've heard enough I think people are not going to be grateful that the ones will be left alive are the strongest kind.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
Almost no country took it seriously enough. There is an exception, which we'll come to in a moment.

Governments are reactive rather than pro-active. They will act when there is a visible threat, not when there is a potential of a threat. This is why a virus with a 5-day incubation period can wreak such havoc. If you wait until there is an outbreak before you implement a lockdown, then you're 5 days too late, the virus is already spreading. Why do governments act in this way? It is because in general their main aim is not to protect the population, but to protect the economy. They are not going to take costly pre-emptive protective measures when it would cost millions of dollars to do so. They are not going to stockpile medical supplies and equipment against the possibility of a future pandemic. And they are sure as hell not going to shut shops and businesses until the very last minute when it becomes unavoidable.

In retrospect of course, I'll bet a lot of governments are wishing that as soon as the initial news surfaced in China, they had just shut their borders or implemented a 14-day quarantine for people entering the country. That would have kept economic damage to a minimum. The reason they didn't do this is because they weighed the definite economic effects against the possibility of an outbreak occurring, and went with the option that is best for the economy right now. It's what they always do. Democracy is great, but is flawed like any system of governance. We are locked into 4 or 5 year electoral cycles, which promotes fatal short-termism. Governments are habituated into making decisions that affect the current moment. They won't spend money that will hurt now but show benefits in say a decade's time. They would get hammered by the press for spending money needlessly, whilst some future administration would take all the credit for a decision made by their predecessors.

Underestimating events such as the COVID-19 pandemic is hard-wired into our societies.

So where is the exception? South Korea. The purple horizontal line across the middle of the chart.

Ever since confirmed cases began cropping up, disinfecting crews have been blanketing South Korea’s trains, subways and crowded public plazas. The government is pushing out mobile phone alerts with details about confirmed cases and spots visited by those who tested positive; apps alert users when they are near potentially infected sites. Residents showing symptoms flock to drive-through stations and mobile booths for quick, cheap tests, getting the results by text within hours. Those testing positive receive health kits with masks, sanitiser and other supplies; investigators interview them for details about where they have been and who they have been in contact with, requiring those in self-quarantine to provide regular updates via an app. All the information is uploaded in real time on a map online.

The backbone of Korea’s success has been mass, indiscriminate testing, followed by rigorous contact tracing and the quarantine of anyone the carrier has come into contact with. As of March 19, the country has conducted more than 307,000 tests, the highest per capita in the world. The UK has conducted 64,600; The US even less that. “You have countries like the US right now, where there's a fairly strict criteria of who can be tested,” says Kee Park, a lecturer on global health at Harvard Medical School. “I know people personally who have symptoms that are highly suspicious, but they don't meet all the criteria and so they're not being tested.”
“[South Korea’s] extensive testing is a very valuable tool to both control the virus and understand and measure the effectiveness of the responses that are taking place,” says Michael Mina, assistant professor at the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at Harvard University. “It’s allowed individuals to take matters into their own hands and make social distancing decisions on their own, both to protect those around them and to protect themselves from those who are infected around them.”

So why did South Korea react so quickly and decisively whilst other major economies were dragging their feet? The answer is that South Korea has been here before.

Q) What best enables a country to respond quickly and decisively to a pandemic?
A) Previous experience of a pandemic.

South Korea had a MERS outbreak in 2015. Fatality rate 35%.
Have a look at Hong Kong and Singapore, too. They had experience of the SARS outbreak in 2002-4. You will find their lines towards the bottom of the above chart.

So I think we can draw comfort from this. Evidence suggests that all countries will be better prepared next time. And there surely will be a next time. Whilst the current pandemic is terrible and is costing thousands of lives around the globe, we can be thankful that the fatality rate is comparatively low - a couple of percent at most, compared to say the 35% of MERS. If COVID-19 had that not-unheard-of fatality rate, w'ed be staring at an apocalypse right now, instead of a mere global emergency.
Activity: 3262
Merit: 1376
Slava Ukraini!
I think that many countries didn't took it serious enough and reacted too late. Probably most of us did the same. Just 2 weeks ago before most countries in Europe closed borders and started quarantine, I couldn't have imagined such scenario in my worst dreams and that global lockdown will be needed. It would sound like scenario of some fantastic Hollywood movie just some time ago. Italy reacted way too late - people still were hanging out in cities, going to pubs, football, supermarkets despite that number of infected were groving fast. UK started quarantine when number of infected people was already huge.
And for me, it seems that USA and Trump realised that situation is very serious when USA become leading country by number of COVID-19 cases.
I can understand this situation. Humanity in modern era haven't been in such situation and they didn't knew how to react. And it's obvious that most countries wasn't ready for it.
jr. member
Activity: 53
Merit: 1
Trump closed his eyes and held fingers in his ears long enough. Now it's late to contain COVID-19 in the US successfully.
He still refuses to see the threat of the virus, and only focuses on the business side. People getting ill is not a great business...

FYI : can i ask you the success rate of those countries who had locked down their country and restricted citizen from coming out (not even a 200 meter walk away from their home)

Now do you think this is really working well?
I'm in rome. we only saw a slight drop down in this curve on sunday/monday and now  the spread seems to have started again.


I'm from Croatia, so we are neighbors. We have implemented lockdown on time, and despite being in so close proximity to one of the hotspots (you), we managed to keep it under control (so far). At this moment we have around 500 confirmed cases, and only a few fatalities.
Our lockdown is working.

If we were late to implement it, or if the people were not disciplined in obeying it, I think our scenario would be much, much worse now.

The virus will spread eventually, but I hope not all will be sick at the same time. For now, our hospitals can manage it, thanks to lockdown.
I fear that UK(saw a picture of full metro the other day)  and especially US will get the worst of it (after Spain and Italy). Screw the business for a few months, much less people will die if the business is on hold for a few months...
IMO ->Trump + bad health care for the poor + lots of poor = disaster

That being said, I hope I am wrong. And I do hope that they will develop the vaccine soon.
Activity: 486
Merit: 27
Trump closed his eyes and held fingers in his ears long enough. Now it's late to contain COVID-19 in the US successfully.
He still refuses to see the threat of the virus, and only focuses on the business side. People getting ill is not a great business...

People will now realize How Important their "VOTE" is.

US is a first world country where people loves to interact.

I recommend total LOCKDOWN, if they don't do it, well Goodbye is the best word.
sr. member
Activity: 1554
Merit: 413
Locking down people to flatten the curve is locking down life? That is something a government who failed to contain the pandemic would say. So yeah, open up the economy and let the people work like there's no deadly virus around while they find an anti-flu drug, a vaccine, or whatever. Tell them, "Hey, take your chances and go to work. If you get infected, we'll test our COVID-19 cure on you."

The businessman in him is probably telling US citizens to sacrifice their life to save their government.
Activity: 239
Merit: 27
Soldierwitlittlefaith, that slight drop down in the curve is already an improvement don't you think? If no lockdown was put in place, it's most likely that there will be no drop down in infection rate. I also remember reading a post that the reason the virus spread so rapidly is that the citizens from Lombardy, where the highest number of confirmed cases were, escaped or flee when it was leaked that the place will be locked down.

Maybe - maybe not because i'm seeing another crisis if, nCOV-19 should end today. that is the the nCOV of famine.

Already we've started seeing the sign in super store.

TRUMP is right. we should look for an alternative way's to handle this issue. Locking down people means locking down life. A president who is taking a security measure to ensure the economy maintein it's balance can not be against his citizen

Do you understand what the impact of such action will lead to?

sr. member
Activity: 1554
Merit: 413
Soldierwitlittlefaith, that slight drop down in the curve is already an improvement don't you think? If no lockdown was put in place, it's most likely that there will be no drop down in infection rate. I also remember reading a post that the reason the virus spread so rapidly is that the citizens from Lombardy, where the highest number of confirmed cases were, escaped or flee when it was leaked that the place will be locked down.
Activity: 3668
Merit: 6382
Looking for campaign manager? Contact icopress!
US didn't take it serious enough.
Before that, UK and NL didn't take it serious enough.
Before that Italy and Spain didn't take it serious enough.
Before that China didn't take it serious enough.

...And I've only enumerated a small part of the list  Angry
copper member
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1325
I'm sometimes known as "miniadmin"

FYI : can i ask you the success rate of those countries who had locked down their country and restricted citizen from coming out (not even a 200 meter walk away from their home)

Most countries that have taken those measures have taken them in the last 7/14 days, so the results of such actions will be showing up during the following weeks. Yesterday this post, coming from a newspaper article said that until the end of April some of the regions inside of Spain won't be seeing the highest spike, and thus starting the decrease in cases.

Italy was more or less one month ahead of the spanish situation, so....
Activity: 239
Merit: 27
Trump closed his eyes and held fingers in his ears long enough. Now it's late to contain COVID-19 in the US successfully.
He still refuses to see the threat of the virus, and only focuses on the business side. People getting ill is not a great business...

FYI : can i ask you the success rate of those countries who had locked down their country and restricted citizen from coming out (not even a 200 meter walk away from their home)

Now do you think this is really working well?
I'm in rome. we only saw a slight drop down in this curve on sunday/monday and now  the spread seems to have started again.

hero member
Activity: 2086
Merit: 761
To boldly go where no rabbit has gone before...
No one took COVID-19 seriously, especially not people.

Even to this day, in Italy, there are still caffee's open serving people.
But it comes as no surprise, until last week, everyone called it "just a flu"
jr. member
Activity: 53
Merit: 1
Trump closed his eyes and held fingers in his ears long enough. Now it's late to contain COVID-19 in the US successfully.
He still refuses to see the threat of the virus, and only focuses on the business side. People getting ill is not a great business...
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