curl is pretty easy one you know what its trying to do. all its doing is sending an info to there server nothing else.
dont need php just a webserver like iis or apache with a basic html file with your bitcoin address being displayed.
its easy once you know what your doing but i couldnt find a single guide out there and the closest to this sort of stuff iv got is preinstalled wordpress.
I just meant that you need php for this pimped up status page that also displays info from bitcoind (mentioned in my post above), its not necessary to have it. For the bitnodes incentive program a simple plain text file with the address is enough.. I just mentioned it as an extra, if you are already going through setting up the webserver, might as well give it some extra use
Thanks. im goi g to pimp up the site when i get a bit of time add the bells and whistles so thanks for the tip