8 MB per block * 4.4 GB per month / 60 GB per month limit < 90% of your monthly limit at the 60GB per month level.
For that matter...
8 MB per block * 4.4 GB per month / 60 GB per month limit < 60% of your monthly limit at the 60GB per month level.
That leaves you more than 40% of your monthly bandwidth limit for updating your Facebook page.
But that is only if you are operating in blocks-only mode without any relaying. If you are relaying (and still only in blocks-only mode), even to only one other node, you would be through your data cap before the month is over as you have to then upload the same amount of data to someone else. If you also consider transaction relay, data usage is going to significantly higher.
Furthermore, if you are accepting incoming connections, it is possible that you could be selected by a peer to be the initial block download peer so you would then have to send the entire blockchain to the peer, and the blockchain is already at 90+ GB now.
For that matter, if you have a data cap of 60 GB, you wouldn't be able to even start up a new node as the blockchain is larger than that cap.
Actually, come to think of it, with a 60 GB data cap, you shouldn't even be trying to operate a full node. You have a good chance of blowing through that limit today as shorena said. If you do try doing bandwidth restrictions, it may work, but that is quite a hassle to get correctly.
Edit: I just checked my node stats. It's been up for ~12 hours and I have already sent 37 GB and received 147 MB.