Papercoin is a decentralized payment system based on WAVES blockchain for safe transactions.
A secure and anonymous crypto-asset, built with a focus on democracy and privacy
Asset Name: Papercoin
Ticker: PAPER
Total supply: 355,853,292
Algorithm: Leasing Proof-of-Stake (LPoS)
Decimals: 8
Not Re-Issuable
Issuer: 3PAQYBQvu5yvG53xgUcr2ZythKLMUhnxDcu
Issue Date: 2019-02-25 19:03:26
Blockchain: WAVES
Issued in Waves block: 1,412,586
LPoS pool:
Other info⤵️
+112k holders wallets
Listed on 6 exchanges
Listed on WavesPlay dApp
Client Papercoin + app Android