The diameter is only 325 meters? I think this is not big enough to end human kind. This thing could explode on midair.
We know squat..
Comet ISON was unknown until a matter of months of it screaming in at us a few years ago.
It was a non-reoccuring orbit style comet.
It also lost it's media attention because the Russian Chelybinsk meteor hit us..stealing media coverage.
Point i'm making is ISON flew by us in between us and the moon.
Meaning it was close !
And it wrapped around the sun and made it's way back out to space.
Scientists were debating when and if it would break-apart from the heat of the sun.
They thought if it did it would have happened before it wrapped around the sun.
But what happened was it made it's way around and on the way back out
it randomly exploded.. like a bomb !
Scientists were stunned !
They said it was a good thing that it didn't happen on the pass by on it's way in.
It would have had an effect on us all..
We heard of it in a matter of months before.. our (break-up) predictions were off.
And we got lucky.. for now.
Also If the angle of the Chelybinsk meteor was tilted more it would have been as explosive
as the nukes dropped on Japan.. and that was the size of a washing machine basically.
back in 2003 roughly i seen one that size light up my sky..
I was playing Counter-Strike at like 2:30 am on a Saturday night when i noticed
windows on every side of my house lit up like it was day light.. full sun noon brightness.
I bolted up and started running to all my windows but they were covered with layers of material
to block out the summer heat and keep my air conditioning bill down.. and the light was still coming through.
I managed to run outside as it was starting to fade and as far as i could see in all directions it was full day light.
The next morning there was a lot of news reports from American News stations we in Canada get.
(Surveillance cams had caught the thing all over.. so there was a bunch of videos of it.)
Turns out the washing machine size impact landed somewhere in Oregon / Washington State USA.
And it made it day light in my country Canada ..that is how fucking bright it was !
Fragments were found on the ground..
That night i actually considered a Nuclear weapon had gone off in the USA.
I really couldn't think of any other explanation and i could tell it came from that direction.
When i was camping few months back i seen a fireball in the sky and when i checked out
it was confirmed and 20+ had been tracked.. turns out they are common the site said.
first time i ever seen one though.. They look crazy !!!
I was out having a smoke one day at my last place i rented / lived at couple years ago
and i seen a crazy streak up in the sky from horizon to horizon..
I googled it and it was the space station making a predicted crash landing.
The decommissioned one from around 1975.
What a sight.. crazy stuff !
I have been lucky like that a lot.. first step is just looking up LOL