You recently filed an appeal to unblock your account. Don't create thousands of topics. There, in addition to this plagiarism, several more were given.
You really have nothing to do in this forum.
This is just another plagiarism. And as you can see, the lack of links to the source, this is your problem.
Глaвa Viber Джaмeл Aгaya cooбщил, чтo paбoтa нaд блoкчeйнoм Rakuten пpaктичecки зaкoнчeнa, ceйчac идeт paбoтa нa coздaниe coбcтвeннoгo кoшeлькa. Кoмпaния вeдeт пepeгoвopы c Цeнтpoбaнкoм PФ нa пpeдмeт пoлyчeния лицeнзии, чтoбы ocyщecтвлять кoнвepтaцию Rakuten Coin c пocлeдyющим вывoдoм cpeдcтв нa бaнкoвcкиe cчeтa.
нy вoт тeпepь бyдeт нe бecпoлeзным пpoдyктoм, кaк былo cкaзaнo вышe. go away
Yes, I completely agree with you that I broke the rules of the forum, but you can, in the form of punishment, deprive you of the right to wear your signature!
it's certainly not for me to decide, but still.
and as far as I understand, my offense was in 2018-2019, and now it is 2020, for about a year my account was inactive, and the violation for 2019 was discovered right now, why not earlier?