Application Ideas by - Develop open source software together.
Swim in the sea and look at the creatures
Find the green gem in the mountain
Ask a rabbit to jump over a grass bump
Talk to a sea urchin today
Play a song and record it on the microphone
Arrange a meetup in the forest
Flip the flipuks
Make a t-shirt which says Play the Violin!
Take an apple to the garden
Hug a Balgur
Make an image of a smurf
Go down to the river and take a photo of a fish
Write the word apple using playdough and post a YouTube video
Type 15 commands into a Linux Terminal
Buy a Donald Duck themed pez candy dispenser, fill it with jelly beans and post a YouTube video
Post an image of a lemonhorse
Swim in the sea and post a YouTube video
Feed a lemon or a lime to the boo
Fill out a form
Make a new mountain in New York
Open a paradise shop in Singapore
Bring some mangos to the mountains
Open a Bitcoin shop on Mars
Objective: Make an application for any of the projects.
Language: Any
Payment: None. Will consider sharing commission at some point if possible.
Deadline: Wednesday 15 July
Tools: GitHub. Fork and submit to this repository:
http://bitcoinmeetups.github.ioPost here when you are finished. Also, post if you have any questions.
Contribute/pay here: @BitcoinmeetupsX
Facebook: / Telegram: CrystalizerX
http://www.bitcoinmeetups.orgSkype: bitscript1
Skype direct line: