Currently: $500 will be divided BETWEEN ALL 4 participants.
17. Mai
With the onset of Nasjonaldag, namely the day of the adoption of the country's constitution. I will give everyone who willing to accept the shares of the fund.
The size of the shares will be determined by the randomizer with the algorithm. Share value will be in Random sizes: $1, $2, $3, moderat $4, $5, rare $6, $7, $8.
Registed to participate, you are already a winner! Registration is by email: CLICK TO SEE A TFFO TOPIC FOR THE E-MAIL
You will win even if you not won. Min possible prize is: no nothing but a BUCK
-Name on the forum
-Name from who to take a bonus, and to who to give a bonus? Referral name.
-Your bitcoin wallet address, for crediting funds later on
Time remaining until the draw:
After drawing and transferring the share of the fund to you on May 17, you can immediately sell them and request funds to withdraw.
Gifs will be posted with an analysis of the work of the randomizer.
After that, all participants of the first drawing will be able to take part in the second bonus, by name of:
This is a surprise, details on the arrival of the first bonus.
Referral bonus.
on winnings from the drawin bonus and X2 bonus, payment will increase by %50, by 25% for you and by 12.5% and 12.5% for those who were invited.