Just got lucky and was able to pick up a used 5970 for $420. Little did the guy selling it know that I probably will have made more from it mining in a month than I had to pay
. I already have two in a mining rig, but wanted to put one in my home computer.
Anyways, this card had the Arctic Cooler Accelero XTREME mounted to it. Have fans running at 75% and I can barely hear it. I had to move my rig with the two 5970s completely out of my house because of the noise. Now I can sit and work next to the computer no problem.
It also cools the GPU cores a lot better than the stock coolers, but not the VRMs. Because of this I can't clock it as much as the cards with stock coolers, but I gladly pay 30-40Mhash/s for the noise reduction.
In case anyone else struggeling with noise this might be a solution.