XMR has 12 decimal places
We need more.. since people need really to do new coins with Billion of coin cap or even Trillion.
You can see that these have a big problem to trade at 0,00000001 statoshi
What? Are you aware of how it's implemented?
The variable set to regulate that has a range of 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 bits available when unsigned.
So, if 8 decimal places were taken in XMR, the number of coins would be 184 billion ..
These aren't numbers that are just picked to impress people LOL .. it's a number set to maximize the variable range efficiently
Do you even read the source?
Can u plz tell me in short, what is the highest no. of decimal places that any altcoin allow ?
The serialization is different between satoshi and cryptonote codebases. In short, an infinite number of coins/decimal places can be created using as many variables as you would like .. it's just software.
In long: If the number of variables change to allow more decimal places, serious design considerations must be considered ..
Cryptonote uses just an unsinged 64 bit integer for their coin supply, I'm guessing to save as much space as possible during serialization, while also introducing less error handling techniques for the entire value .. so having more than 184xxxx...xxx indivisible units will require some pretty serious programming work to get past that limit .. so for cryptonote I'd guess you could logically move that decimal point to having .184xxx...xxx units ... so it could have a max of 20 decimal places .. but less than one coin ever to exist. I don't know for sure though ... maybe you could have .00000..0000184xxx..xxx units? Pretty sure that's just how it appears to you anyways .. but asking one of the developers working on cn software would give you a much better answer there
I'm sorry, I'm not nearly as familiar with the satoshi codebase as the cn codebase .. you'll definitely find a better answer to that question in the bitcoin technical section.
Actually, that's a pretty good question. If you don't ask it there I will
Add: I think one of the things on the agenda for the bitcoin foundation recently had something to do with modfiying the decimal places to interface with existing trading software with real markets .. so maybe look around for stuff talking about that as well.