If you don't feel like going through Purse.io (I know they had a lot of fraud problems a few months ago, some buyers even had police knocking on their door asking them about the fraud) your other option would be to use
Gyft and buy Amazon gift cards. If you go that route, you can get 5% cash back on all purchases (it's normally 3% when paying with bitcoin, but they currently have a 5% promo). I've used them many times before and never had an issue, so I'd highly recommend them.
I think it's worth to note that purse acted when this happened. So far it was only one incident and purse instantly wrote about this. They made a fund funded with 10,000 USD that is used to defend members in the case this happens.
So far only one case happened and this was the one they acted on.
That they acted so fast actually impressed me. Most bitcoin companies would not admit such happening. The rumours would grow on the net and damaging the company. Because they acted so fast they could prevent that and no bad thing happened for them.
I wish that behaviour would be standard for bitcoin companies. But many of them have so enourmous problems with communication that it is not funny anymore.