Hi There,
So I am new to mining but in the past two months I have noticed a significant difference in the payout of different pools. For example:
Doge:Coinwarz calculator says my 2500kh/s system should get about 68k in DOGE per 24 hours. That is average for the past 24 hours, the current rate may be higher or lower. I have tried several doge pools including:
https://pool.dogechain.infohttp://multipool.us give me
50 to 60% of thatt, I mean you want to steal a bit, its ok, but 50%??
I don't remember the rest of them but eventually I found a pool that pays very close to what I should get.
So finally I switched to:
https://dogehouse.org and it is paying me close to what I calculate.
NETCOIN:I started with net.smalltimeminer.com was again paying me close to HALF of what I was mining. After switching to multiple pools and getting similar theft results, I found
http://bitcoop.tk/ and it is paying me close to what I am supposed to get.
Before you jump into the conclusion and tell me the difficulty changes all the time blah blah, I know that and I take that into consideration. I also know all pools have the same difficulty at the same time so the payout should be similar. The difference is NOT 50% plus I ran these pools that I mentioned CONCURRENTLY, not even rotating, so two GPUs on one pool and two other GPUs on the other. The results were outstanding. The pools I noted were paying me HALF after 24 hours.
I think the cryptocurrency started off with a major flaw and that is the fact that solo mining doesnt work for most people. Why does DOGE release ONE block of 500,000? Why cant doge release 500,000 block of one coin? If it did, then we didnt have to join pools. Yes the confirmations would take WAY longer and that was just a hypothetical example but this is really frustrating. Every time I want to mine a new coin I have to search for an honest pool. Its getting ridiculous. I'm so upset for mining at multipool for a month.
Any comments, specially from the pool owners, is appreciated.