Although all people will advice you to generate your paper wallets offline, I did it twice before online using bitaddress and nothing happened to my funds tell I spent them.
As long as your computer is not defected with viruses or trojans, do not fear about your paper wallets especially if they hold small amounts as you mentioned
i created my wallet on bitaddress website and its still safe and not hacked, my bitcoins are not stolen so i guess its pretty much secure though i dont have a lot of coins to be honest, to be even more safer i believe the only option is to buy a hardware wallet and deposit your coins to it
NO, it is not okay to make your paper wallets on-line and they're NOT secure when made that way, both of you need to read on about
cold storage and the idea behind paper wallets, why they're created and why is it very much necessary to make and print them off-line. If you don't know about this then stop giving wrong advice to others.
The best way is to make then on a completely off-line machine but if you don't have a separate machine OP then just use an air-gapped OS.
Also, OP if you're giving them away as Xmas presents then make sure the people you're giving them to know about bitcoins and how to claim those, otherwise its just throwing money away.