What's the difference between a private key and some code you give them to redeem it?
Let me make my question more explicit - why wouldn't you just send them to an address? And if you want to something to someone in person why wouldn't you just give them cash or checK ?
I think the best bet really will be a paper wallet. Without a private key, you have no Bitcoin value, as all Bitcoins must be attached to addresses that are attached to private keys.
This site has a great process for printing some very nice-looking paper wallets that are good for handouts. They should be relatively easy to understand because people are used to the concept of paper money.
there is a company which (cant remember name atm) sells bitcoin cards....but it doesnt have the private key on it. u redeem it on their website and they send the funds. this could solve the problem but u now have to trust a third party.
You mean like if I gave someone a piece of paper with a note - email me with your address to reedem .1 btc - and he emails me and I send .5 btc. Except You're paying middle-man fees to a company and the person has to go through some kind of verification procedure or create an account?
And this is instead of just giving someone 50 bucks ? Makes sense to me.