Sociopaths are compulsive liars:
-they are often nervous and socially inept
-they don't like to take responsibility for a mistake
-they will struggle with relationships
-they can display spontaneous violent behaviour
Meanwhile psychopaths are predators:
-they are manipulative on purpose
-they can display planned violent behaviour
-they can emulate emotions while not comprehending them
-they are often very educated
While sociopaths tend to have a higher rejection in society, psychopaths are often successful in it and can hold important legitimate jobs, but at the same time psychopathy is also the most serious mental illness and the most difficult to detect.
There are around 30 million psychopaths in the world, one every 200 individuals is a potential violent criminal, more according to different medical examinations, around 25% of the prison population is also a psychopath. The United States have been marked as a breeding ground for psychopaths due to the high percentage of inmates, what traits do you share with them?