Let us help find it.
Send us a brief description of the service you want to buy, and if possible, a sample photo depicting that service. Include your city/country and an email address a service provider can use to contact you.
We will post it on www.BitcoinJustUse.it - I Want It - I'm Paying With Bitcoin section.
We offer this as a free service that gets relayed to Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, Google+, RSS feed. and daily email updates via www.TheBitcoinDaily.com
Send your requests to [email protected] or reply in this forum with your details.
Thank you.
Can you explain your service in a more layman friendly language please? What I get is, you have a website with social media channels and will post the service there for free. It seems like getting some contents for your website rather free if you cannot show us some statistical data about the outreach of yor website and social media.
Thanks for the interest. We are new. We have relatively small following but are building this by connecting buyers with sellers, sellers with buyers using bitcoin. Traditional methods are contained within specific communities that are not normally exposed to mainstream. Bitcoin ecosystem needs pumping to keep bitcoin from fiat conversion, which is a major obstacle to adoption and contributes- somewhat - to volatility. We are that company contributing to adoption and looking for your support.
Hope that helps.