
Topic: Armenia - history and legend (Read 89 times)

Activity: 3318
Merit: 1022
August 16, 2023, 01:53:36 AM
There are a thousand scenarios where a thousand different ethnic groups could accidentally become the ruling power. But for the moment, the ruling power in Eurasia is Russia.


So maybe you can rule in your own country and not extend your power to other countries.

You are welcome in the forum... just like Russia is invited in by some countries. But maybe you should take your own advice, and go back to your own country.


What kind of manager are you here? I came to the forum without asking you and do not need your order. I understand that my participation is not pleasant for you, but you will have to come to terms with this, in which I apologize.
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
August 15, 2023, 11:14:45 AM
There are a thousand scenarios where a thousand different ethnic groups could accidentally become the ruling power. But for the moment, the ruling power in Eurasia is Russia.


So maybe you can rule in your own country and not extend your power to other countries.

Russia wasn't forced into shutting down the USSR. They did it by agreement with the US. But the US didn't uphold its part of the agreement.

You are welcome in the forum... just like Russia is invited in by some countries. But maybe you should take your own advice, and go back to your own country.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 1022
August 14, 2023, 10:17:29 PM
There are a thousand scenarios where a thousand different ethnic groups could accidentally become the ruling power. But for the moment, the ruling power in Eurasia is Russia.


So maybe you can rule in your own country and not extend your power to other countries.
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
August 14, 2023, 04:48:08 PM
There are a thousand scenarios where a thousand different ethnic groups could accidentally become the ruling power. But for the moment, the ruling power in Eurasia is Russia.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 1022
August 14, 2023, 06:51:21 AM
Alik Bakhshi

Armenia - history and legend   (Full version with illustrations: )

          "Fate and history are written with one hand"
                                                                             Paulo Coelho

           With this ingenious and concise phrase, Paulo Coelho reveals the connection between history and the fate of each individual. In the article "People's fate or each cricket has its own six" (1), I showed that the fate of each person, as well as his appearance and character, which have hereditary characteristics, is predetermined. The same can be transferred to the people, as a set of people with a common visual appearance and mentality. It is thanks to this that it is not difficult to distinguish a Frenchman from an Englishman or a Finn. Since the fate of the people depends on the people's mentality, which is inherited, then each people has its own fate, which most likely determines its future. As a result, we can say that the fate of the people cannot be changed. This is well demonstrated by the Russian people, who, starting with Peter the Great, are literally being dragged to Europe by the ears, but the distance has not been reduced at all. And the idea to introduce democracy in Russia ended in complete failure. The people were spitting blood until Putin appeared, returning the Russian people to their traditional servile state and the imperial and great-power worldview that was shaken. The mentality of the Russian people does not accept the principles of democracy. In short, the Russian people need a dictator who solves problems for them, on whom all failures can later be blamed. This can be traced throughout the history of Russia, and behind all this is the Russian people and no one else. In other words, the past, present and future of every nation lies in its mentality, which is hereditary, which explains the difference between one nation and another, which has persisted throughout its history. However, from Paulo Coelho back to the topic.

        I will rely only on known historical facts, which constitute the true history.
      So, according to Herodotus, the Armenians massively moved from Thrace - a geographical area in the south of the Balkan Peninsula to Asia Minor, to the existing since 1200 BC. e. Phrygian kingdom. From Phrygia, the Armenians penetrated into Urartu, where they settled in the area around Lake Van, which later became known as the Armenian Highlands.
      The continuously competing state formations of the Middle East, Urartu, the Sumerian kingdom, the Babylonian kingdom, Assyria, Media, Persia, Phoenicia, Israel from 600 BC. e. were united by King Cyrus into the vast Persian Empire, which lasted until 330. BC e. An interesting historical fact, the Iranian-speaking tribes, known as the Scythians, who lived in the northern Black Sea region and the Crimea, did not obey the Persian kings, and Darius I undertook a campaign against them, which ended in failure. The Scythians mysteriously disappeared, leaving a memory of themselves in the Scythian hills and the names of the Eastern European rivers, Don, Danube, Dniester, Dnieper, Dvina - don in the Iranian language means a moving liquid. By the way, the Jordan River in Israel and Jordan also owes its name to the Persians. The Persian Empire fell as a result of the successful campaigns of Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Empire arose on its vast territory, which, after the death of Alexander in 323 BC, became the ruler of the Persian Empire. e. became the Seleucid Empire.
      In 240 BC. e. under the onslaught of the Great Roman Empire and the newly emerged Persian Empire (the Parthian Kingdom, later the Persian Empire of the Sassanids), the Seleucid Empire ceased to exist. After that, a long and exhausting war broke out in the Middle East between the Roman Empire (later Byzantium) and Parth. The fighting was carried out on the territory of Mesopotamia and the Armenian Highlands for four centuries without any success for any of the warring parties. From time to time, the Pontic king Mithridates got involved in the war on the side of Persia. The Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians, who lived in the regions passing from hand to hand, had to endure many severe trials. By the way, the Romans had to evict the Armenians, who betrayed one side or the other, from the Armenian Highlands deep into the empire, to Cilicia (a province of the Roman Empire), which subsequently gave reason to Armenian historians to consider Cilicia a territory within the chimerical Greater Armenia.


The end of the Roman-Persian war in the middle of the 7th century was put by the Arabs, who conquered Persia. It is important to note that since then the Iranians, as a people, have been losing power in their country until 1925.


        The Arabs conquered a vast territory from India in the East to the Pyrenees in the West, spreading the new religion of Islam on it. It was impossible to keep such a vast state with a heterogeneous population in subordination from one center. The Caliphate broke up into the Caliphate of Cordoba and the Caliphate of Baghdad. Turkic tribes penetrate into the Baghdat Caliphate, the era of the great Turkic empires begins, which finally put an end to the Baghdat Caliphate.
    In the period 1037-1194. The Seljuk Turks, as a result of conquests in Asia Minor and Central Asia, form the Seljuk Sultanate, which takes on the entire burden of the Crusades.


    By 1307, unable to withstand the powerful Mongol invasion, the sultanate disintegrated into Turkic principalities (beyliks), one of which subsequently formed the Ottoman Empire, which lasted until 1922.


       In the period 1370 - 1507. from the borders of the Ottoman Empire to India, as a result of Timur's conquests, the Timurid Empire or Turan is formed.


       By the way, it was Timur who finally sent the Baghdat Caliphate into history. In the Middle East, instead of the Byzantine Empire and the Baghdat Caliphate, two powerful Turkic empires continuously warring with each other, the Ottoman Empire and the Timurid Empire, are formed. In one of the battles, near Ankara in 1402, the Ottomans were defeated, and Sultan Bayazet himself was captured and allegedly taken in a cage to Timur's tent. It is not known about the “cage”, perhaps this is a legend, but the fact that Bayazet spends the rest of his life in captivity is a fact. It should be noted that the Turkic states were in constant rivalry. So the Khan of the Golden Horde, Tokhtamysh, whom Timur helped to come to power, after another devastation of Moscow in 1382 (the campaign was made to assert the shaken power of the Golden Horde over the Russian princes as a result of the defeat in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380), decided to strike at his patron and in 1385 year with a huge army of 90 thousand passing through Derbent, ravaged Tabriz. The next raid was made by Tokhtamysh in 1388 in the direction of Samarkand, the capital of Timur's empire. However, the Golden Ardynians only managed to besiege Bukhara, after which they were driven back. In 1391, Timur, having decided to put an end to the insidious and ungrateful Tokhtamysh, moved his army to the North within the Golden Horde. A battle took place near the Itil (Volga) River, in which Tokhtamysh was utterly defeated, but he managed to escape. Timur did not cross the Itil and turned back.

    In 1394, Tokhtamysh again invaded Timur's empire from the Caucasus, but the battle to meet the army sent by Timur did not take place, the Golden Horde retreated and hid in the steppes. The raids of the insidious Tokhtamysh infuriated Timur and he came to the conclusion to put an end to the Golden Horde once and for all. Timur's army marched along the Khazar Sea (Caspian) through the Derbent passage, and in 1395 the armies of two powerful empires met on the Terek River. Timur's undefeated army was victorious. This time, Timur did not turn back, but went to the capital of the Golden Horde, taking Saray, then his army headed for the Dnieper, then Timur turned to the North, and ravaged Yelets.
     After the second campaign of Timur, the Golden Horde was completely ruined. The northern branch of the Great Silk Road ceased to function, goods from China in the future went exclusively through the Timurid empire. The treasury of the Golden Horde was empty, the Khan no longer had the means to carry out new raids and to manage the vast empire, and in the future the Golden Horde breaks up into small khanates warring among themselves (the largest of them are the Nogai Khanate, the Kazan Khanate), ceasing to exist .
    As for the empire of Timur, in the period 1501-1736 the Turkic dynasty of the Safavids (Kyzylbash state) was in power, and from 1736 to 1925 the Turkic Qajar dynasty ruled the country.

     You may ask, what does the Armenians have to do with it? That's it, nothing to do with it! In the above historical excursus, none of the known Middle Eastern empires had a chance to fight with the empire called "Great Armenia" and even "from sea to sea", as it has been recently represented on the map by modern Armenian historians.


    Kings, emperors, caliphs, khans, sultans did not even suspect that somewhere between their empires a huge Armenian empire was worming its way. It’s good that they were in the dark, because they probably had enough kondrashka if they knew that they were subordinate to the Armenian king Tigran the Great with his Great Armenia, the existence of which they did not know and from which they were defeated. When did Armenia attack Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Byzantium? When did the Persian Empire manage to become its vassal, because, judging by the map, its capital Persepolis was within the boundaries of Great Armenia. Alas, there is not a single historical document testifying to the aggressive wars of Great Armenia, without which none of the known empires could do.

     Incredibly, how could it happen that history knows nothing about Greater Armenia, if you believe the map presented by serious Armenian scientists. True, those artists from history who drew this map missed one very significant point, namely, in what historical period did the Armenians, who lived in a small area around Lake Van, manage to conquer such a vast territory washed by four seas and this period should be quite long.  It is also strange that history is silent about the Armenian sailors. I hope Armenian historians will fill this gap.
     Well, even if we hypothetically assume that an empire called Great Armenia once existed, however, this does not give the Armenians the right to revive it, so the Macedonians can lay claim to the empire of Alexander the Great or the Mongols to the empire of Genghis Khan. What is striking here is something else, namely, that the Armenian people, regardless of the history known to all, blindly believe the legend invented by the Dashnaks and are going to fight in the depths of centuries for an empire called Great Armenia.

      I can assume that the idea to draw such a map came from the fact that the Armenians lived throughout the Middle East, which may well be. Here it is time to remember the people's mentality. The Armenians are good artisans and builders, just like the Jews, there are quite a few of their representatives among merchants and financiers. It is not necessary to live in one place in order to engage in this field of activity that serves the needs of people. For example, in Baku all shoemakers were Armenians. Being engaged in the provision of services, the Armenians did not feel the need to live in one state, well, they would not sew boots for themselves. There are peoples who do not have their own state, for example, the gypsies. It is difficult to find a country where gypsies do not live. And if they are given the opportunity to live permanently in one place, then the next day you will not find them there. They have a different way of existence, hard daily work is a burden to them. By the way, gypsies, following the example of Armenians, can also draw a map of the Great Gypsy, the territory of which will cover all continents, with the exception of Antarctica and several islands in Polynesia.

  Unlike Gypsies, Armenians tend to live compactly among other peoples. Centers of such compact residence of Armenians are found in many countries. In these places, Armenian churches and Armenian cemeteries with traditional khachkars (cross) usually appear over time. These khachkars are presented by Armenians as artifacts, indicating that the land where they are dug is historically the land of Great Armenia. There were cases when Georgians caught Armenians dragging khachkars to the territory of Georgia.
     In Baku, the whole area densely populated by Armenians was called Armenikent. It is noteworthy that as soon as several Armenians appear in some place, how very quickly their number increases exponentially. So many Armenians live in the resort towns of the Caucasus and the Black Sea coast, including Crimea. Recently, the number of Armenians in the Kuban has grown so much that it is no longer clear who is more Kuban Cossacks or the Armenians who settled there. It is known that a fairly significant number of Armenians live in Georgia. So, at the time of the conquest of Georgia by Russia in Tbilisi, the population consisted of 60% of Armenians. It would seem that there is nothing reprehensible in this, but under certain conditions this leads to tragedy.

      Firstly, the Armenians, in a certain critical mass, begin to present themselves as a qualitatively superior people in relation to the indigenous people. Secondly, they begin to put forward social demands, which soon develop into territorial ones on the grounds that Armenians lived in these places even before the appearance of monkeys as a species. Of course, the monkeys did not appear later than the Armenians, this is a joke, but sometimes the statements and demands of the Armenians are so absurd that they involuntarily cause a natural smile, and in some cases, as I said, lead to tragedy, as happened in Turkey and Azerbaijan.

      It all started with the fact that in 1890 the world's first Nazi party "Dashnaktsutyun" was born in Tbilisi, the Nazi ideology of which is based on the superiority of Armenians in all areas of human activity. The Nazi ideology of Nazi Germany was also based on the superiority of the Aryan race over other nations. Very accurately, this circumstance was noticed by Vasily Grosman:
“With insidious ease, the nationalism of the people loses its noble foundation, it does not become formidable, it becomes pitiful, does not provoke, but humiliates. So trying to prove some kind of inferiority, a person discovers his own. Some of my interlocutors in all areas of human creativity, first of all, emphasized the Armenian national priority in architecture, science, and poetry. They emphasized the superiority of the architectural merits of the temple in Garni over the primitive architecture of the Acropolis that seemed to them: speaking of the poet Tumanyan, they persistently convinced me that the genius of Tumanyan was higher than the genius of Pushkin. The point, of course, is not that the architecture of Garni is not more perfect than the architecture of the Acropolis, is Tumanyan more brilliant than Pushkin, the essence, and the essence of course is sad, is that poetry, and architecture, and science, and history in itself, according to their essence in the conversations of some of my interlocutors cease to mean. They only mean to reveal the superiority of the Armenian national character over the national character of other peoples. It is not poetry that is important, but it is only important to prove that the Armenian national poet is higher than, say, a Russian or French poet. My interlocutors, without noticing it themselves, impoverished their souls and hearts by ceasing to rejoice in poetry, the perfection of architecture, the greatness of science, and saw in poetry and science only a means to assert their national superiority. This desire can be so fanatical, narrow, that for a moment it seems like a manifestation of madness.”
("Banner", n.11, 1988)

  It is difficult to suspect Grosman of anti-Armenian sentiments, but it seems to me that many will agree with his opinion. Perhaps such an attitude towards foreigners and their culture is also the reason for the exclusive mono-ethnicity of Armenia. So, in 1987, the Armenians finally got rid of the Azerbaijani population, forcibly expelling the last 200 thousand Azerbaijanis from the former Erevan Khanate, in which only 5% of Armenians lived before its capture by Russia. Once upon a time, in the center of Erevan, there was a khan's palace, which is a masterpiece of oriental architecture:

           In order to establish themselves in a foreign land, the Armenians destroyed the palace to the ground, leaving no trace of this magnificent building, because the Armenians themselves have no historical evidence that Yerevan is an ancient Armenian city. In fact, on the site of modern Yerevan was Erebuni - one of the cities of Urartu, which for some time now has been represented by Armenian historians as an ancient Armenian state. It should be noted that the Armenian Nazis did not miss the opportunity of the barbaric destruction of Azerbaijani architecture. In 1918, the Armenians, led by the Bolshevik Shaumyan, raised a rebellion in Baku, exterminating the Azerbaijani population (2.3), who were forced to flee. Having taken possession of the city, they decided to destroy the most beautiful building "Ismailia". Having rolled the cannon, they fired at direct fire, but the building turned out to be so strong that they failed to completely destroy it.


     In order to save Azerbaijan from the Armenian Nazis, Turkey sent an army, knocking out the rebels from Baku and other cities, preventing further ruin of the country. The building was later restored:

    The Armenians continued their barbaric attitude towards Azerbaijan in the occupied Karabakh. For 30 years, they destroyed all the mosques, and the city of Aghdam was completely burned.
     In contrast to the vandalism of the Armenians, neither in 1918 nor in 1989 did the Azerbaijanis allow themselves to destroy the Armenian church, which still stands safely in the very center of Baku. At the same time, Armenians around the world are replicating lies about Azerbaijanis as barbarians and vandals who committed the Armenian genocide, without any hard evidence.
      Let me return to the well-known Sumgayit events of 1988, behind which there is a cunning plan developed in advance. As I wrote, in 1987, the Armenians began the expulsion of Azerbaijanis from Armenia, more precisely from Kapan, a city in Zangezur (an Azerbaijani region transferred by Moscow to Armenia in 1920) with the largest Azerbaijani population. Thousands of refugees appeared in the Soviet Union, and this was in peacetime. As usual, the central government concealed social phenomena that were not characteristic of the most just Soviet society. The authorities in Baku also did not take any action, waiting for Moscow's order. The only thing they did was not let homeless refugees seeking justice into Baku, stopping them in Sumgayit, which turned out to be the right decision, as it turned out later. Time passed, the refugees were left without a roof, without food, waiting for help, which was late, because Moscow was stubbornly silent, and cowardly party secretaries, as is customary in the system, had no right to make independent decisions without an order from above. An explosive situation was brewing, and in the end something happened that could not but happen. Provocateurs appeared among the refugees, so a certain Grigoryan called on the homeless to break into the houses of the Armenians living in Sumgayit. As a result of the riots, 26 people were killed. The pogroms were filmed on a movie camera and literally a few hours later the film ended up in London, which is very unusual for the Soviet Union of those years. In those years, the population did not even have movie cameras. All this points to a pre-planned action by the Armenian Nazis. It is terrible to imagine, but this could happen in Baku, one must think that the Armenians were counting on this. Immediately in Armenia and Karabakh began a mass forced expulsion of the Azerbaijani population and then a war with the occupation of 20% of the Azerbaijani territory. By the way, the regular Soviet army, the 366th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment, took part on the side of the Armenians.

The expulsion of Armenians from Azerbaijan was a natural reciprocal step, I emphasize it as a reciprocal step, which is carefully concealed by the Armenians.
     Let me turn again to the people's mentality. Azerbaijani refugees expelled from Armenia and Karabakh found shelter in Azerbaijan, but the Armenians ended up anywhere but in Armenia, spreading lies all over the world about the genocide of poor unfortunate Armenians in the hope of arousing pity and turning the world community against Azerbaijan and its people. The behavior of the Armenian refugees, who preferred other countries instead of the so-called historical homeland, once again points to an artificial state formation called Armenia.
               It must be said that Grosman is not the only one of the authorities who described the mentality of the Armenians. Famous Georgian poet and publicist XIX Ilya
            Chavchavadze wrote how the Armenians insulted and humiliated Georgia and the Georgian people ("Armenian scholars and crying stones"):
    “There is hardly a nationality on the globe that would be so insultingly humiliated, dishonored by everyone who was not too lazy to do it, like ours. Everyone is trying to either step over us, or trample and raze us to the ground. They almost want to destroy the memory of us in Transcaucasia, wipe the name of the Georgian from the face of the earth and give it to the will of the wind. As if we never existed, as if we do not exist now. Poor in spirit, weak-minded, morally fallen, stupid, uneducated, ill-mannered, ruined to the end, unreliable, cowards - this is a picture of our moral and physical baggage! This is what we were, and what we are, according to those whose interests require our infamy and humiliation. They go out of their way to convince everyone and everything, at home and on the outside, in words and in print, that we were worthless and unworthy and remained the same, if only not worse. With such a brand on their foreheads, they spread the name of the Georgian throughout Europe, where only their voice and pen could have access. They spread the same fame about us Georgians in Russia. True, anyone who, only from Russians or Europeans, personally managed to get acquainted with our good and bad sides, said something in our favor - but, unfortunately, among them many of their judgments were based on the lust of others, they danced according to someone else's tune and fell into other people's networks. God be with them, with their efforts to dishonor us! But the fact is that they swear by word and pen to the whole world that from time immemorial, on this side of the Caucasus Range, to the sources of the Tigris and Euphrates, almost from the Black and Caspian Seas, there was the so-called Armenia.”

      The main goal of the Nazi party "Dashnaktsutyun" was the creation of "Great Armenia" (2,3) through ethnic cleansing and terror of the mainly Turkic and Kurdish population of the Middle East region, which was later carried out in Turkey and Azerbaijan during the First World War, and again repeated in Karabakh. (4,5,6)

     The racist approach towards the Georgian people (vratsi, the Armenian designation for Georgians) by the Armenians was described by Chavchavadze:
“These vratsi, as a people, do not deserve to be mentioned, since they are on the way to destruction and degeneration, and if this were not the case, then they do not have enough intelligence to understand their position. God did not give them the ability to trade: apart from being a chauffeur and a chalvadar, they are good for nothing and cannot even use those few places for stables, which, it is ridiculous to say, they call Georgia. And how can they use them when they have neither skill, nor diligence, nor education, nor knowledge, nor desire, nor desire to know and learn - well, at least from the same Armenians who, they say, are called by God and history with the banner of culture in hand to revive and make happy not only the Middle East, but also distant, wild and ignorant Asia.
  “Not content with dishonoring our name, depriving us of our national dignity, in order to finally wipe us out of the world, they abolish our entire history, and chronicles, and historical remnants and monuments, all, stained with blood, our merits before Christianity and everything, what belongs to us, our historical heritage, by means of various tricks, are ascribed to themselves. True, “the legs of a lie are short,” and by taking away or belittling other people’s merits, you won’t increase your own, but “the slave of your desires is hard of hearing and much on the tongue,” as the Georgian proverb says.

       Everything that Chavchavadze wrote about the attitude of Armenian pseudo-historians towards Georgians is repeated in the case of Azerbaijan. Chavchavadze unwittingly predicted the situation that happened a century later in Azerbaijan. The Russians, who settled Armenians from the Middle East in the lands of Azerbaijan, having previously deported the Azerbaijanis, created a situation that led to the Karabakh war:
  According to Chavchavadze: Armenians “settle where they have never lived. Is it not clear that with this superficial scholarship they want to convince the world that they have the historical right to occupy these places ... "

  This situation is identical to the one that takes place in Karabakh. The Armenian diaspora formed in the former Karabakh khanate from the Armenians resettled by the tsarist government eventually laid claim to this territory of Azerbaijan.
     From the text of Chavchavadze it is clear that already in his time in Europe, Armenian propaganda spread the same lies about the Georgian people, as today about the Azerbaijani people. The consciousness of a person is such that the first information is perceived as the truth and the Armenians take advantage of this, hurrying to be the first to convey a lie to the ignorant, and in this they have superbly succeeded. Settling all over the world, leaving Armenia in search of a better life, they accuse the neighboring peoples of barbarism and genocide, finding in this an excuse both for their emigration and for calling for assistance to poor, exiled Armenians in creating Greater Armenia at the expense of the territory of neighboring peoples. It is interesting that if the Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia found shelter in Azerbaijan, then in response the Armenians expelled from Azerbaijan ended up anywhere, but not in Armenia, spreading lies all over the world about Azerbaijanis as barbarians and villains, silent about the forced expulsion of Azerbaijanis from Armenia, which actually started the Karabakh conflict. Today, there are more Armenians living in America than in Armenia itself, so it's time for Armenian historians to think about drawing a map of Greater Armenia from ocean to ocean.
“Their boldness, their impudence increases more and more every day, they begin to praise themselves more and more boldly and treat us more and more unceremoniously. Nowhere is the program of action adopted by them once and for all, the cunning and cunning they have learned so clearly, as in one European newspaper, which lists in order everything that can serve for the exaltation and glorification of the Armenians and for the destruction of the Georgians, inspired, obviously, by these learned scholars. Here already these gentlemen are not embarrassed by anything, they do not disdain, They openly and frankly use such tricks and means, the mere thought of which should cause a blush on the face of every person, be he an Armenian or anyone else.” - Chavchavadze wrote.

    Well, well, let them say, in the end, every nation has its own national mentality that distinguishes it from others. However, this circumstance is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. The fact is that such self-conceit had very tragic consequences. There is no doubt that the historical research of Armenian scientists, proving the superiority of Armenians over neighboring peoples, serves to substantiate territorial claims. Wikipedia is filled with false stories (namely, stories of Armenian pseudo-historians about the Armenian people as the most ancient on earth, and they bypass the well-known historical fact that the Armenians came to Asia Minor from Thrace, having moved to Phrygia, and then settled in Urartu, and today they present Urartu as an ancient Armenian state.
     There are a great many similar historical fakes about Armenia, for example, on Wikipedia, regarding the Turkmanchay Treaty, an Armenian pseudo-historian writes: “Under the Turkmanchay Treaty, the territories of Eastern Armenia, the Erivan and Nakhichevan khanates, departed to Russia.” In fact, in the true text of the Turkmanchay Treaty between Russia and Persia of February 10, 1828, there is not a word about Eastern Armenia:
Article III
    His Majesty the Shah of Persia, on his own behalf, and on behalf of his heirs and successors, cedes to the Russian Empire both the perfect property of the Khanate of Erivan on this and that side of the Araks, and the Khanate of Nakhichevan. As a consequence of this concession, His Majesty the Shah promises, no later than six months from the signing of this treaty, to hand over to the Russian Authorities all Archives and public documents relating to the administration of both of the above-mentioned Khanates. (Turkmanchay peace treaty ( (7)
And how could there be a mention in the contract about something that never happened. Well, except that of the Armenian pseudo-historians. Hence the conclusion, if you want to know the truth about Armenia, do not look for it in the presentation of Armenian historians, and especially in Wikipedia.

       The Russian Empire, having far-reaching strategic goals, created an artificial enclave for the Armenian people along the borders with the Ottoman Empire, which is an opponent of Russian expansion in the Caucasus. To this end, the territory of the former Yerevan Khanate was given to Armenians from all over the Middle East on the lands of previously deported Azerbaijanis. The deportation of Azerbaijanis was continued under the Soviet regime, when Moscow, by a strong-willed decision, transferred part of the Azerbaijani territory of Zangezur to the Republic of Armenia in 1920, due to which the Nakhichevan region, as I indicated above, was separated from Azerbaijan.

     Today, Armenia refuses to fulfill its obligations following the 44-day war; moreover, by provoking, it is delaying the process of normalizing relations in every possible way. Protesting against the completely legal creation of a checkpoint on the border with Armenia, the Armenians at the same time impede the restoration of the former Baku-Nakhichevan road. The behavior of the Armenian leadership is similar to the situation with Buridan's donkey (Cool. Yerevan makes claims to Russia, demanding political support and military assistance from Russia, to which the Armenians should be grateful for the fact that it was Russia that provided them with a state that they never had, and at the same time, betraying Russia, they are trying to find a new patron among Western countries, which would realize their ephemeral dream of a Greater Armenia from sea to sea. But the most surprising thing is that it is unlikely that the Armenians, having left the diasporas in prosperous countries, will move to Greater Armenia. And an example of this is the fact that about 10 million Armenians live outside of Armenia, while in Armenia itself there are no more than 3 million, and this number is rapidly declining due to corruption and the all-powerful mafia, which were pointed out by the French Armenian Charles Aznavour, recommending that Armenians create mafias not in his own country, and in other countries: “Do you want to be a mafioso? - Form your mafia in another country. Don't do it in your country, don't do it against your people."(9)

            1. People's fate, or each cricket has its own hearth.
            2. Was there a "Great Armenia".
            3. "Great Armenia" or the Great Lie.
             4. On the issue of genocide, or why Armenia is wary of the court.
             5. A hole in a portrait, or from the Great Lie to Great Armenia.
             6. Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan.
             7. Stop lying!
             8. Armenia in the role of Buridan's donkey.
             9. Aznavour's "genocide syndrome".

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