With BitcoinQT open, and only addnode=, (no "listen"), this is full dbLog.txt:
Log file opened at 22:00:49.000: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Armory\dbLog.txt
-INFO - 22:00:49.000: (..\main.cpp:32) Running on 4 threads
-INFO - 22:00:49.000: (..\main.cpp:33) Ram usage level: 50
-INFO - 22:00:49.000: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:915) blkfile dir: E:\Bitcoin\blocks
-INFO - 22:00:49.000: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:916) lmdb dir: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Armory\databases
-INFO - 22:00:49.000: (..\lmdb_wrapper.cpp:388) Opening databases...
-INFO - 22:00:49.031: (e:\users\goat\code\armory6\cppforswig\BDM_Server.h:263) Listening on port 61388
-INFO - 22:00:49.046: (..\nodeRPC.cpp:57) RPC connection established
-INFO - 22:00:49.109: (..\BlockDataManagerConfig.cpp:895) waiting on node sync: 0.999997%
-INFO - 22:00:49.109: (..\nodeRPC.cpp:425) Node is ready
-INFO - 22:00:49.109: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:1108) Executing: doInitialSyncOnLoad
-INFO - 22:00:50.062: (..\BDM_Server.cpp:1121) registered bdv: 53de366ba5150f469baa
-INFO - 22:02:20.687: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:199) Reading headers from db
-INFO - 22:02:23.187: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:238) Found 505543 headers in db
-INFO - 22:02:26.843: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:64) Rewinding 100 blocks
-INFO - 22:02:26.843: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:71) updating HEADERS db
-INFO - 22:02:26.890: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:493) Found next block after skipping 1021719bytes
-INFO - 22:02:31.843: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:281) parsed block file #1149
-INFO - 22:02:31.843: (..\Blockchain.cpp:248) Organizing chain
-INFO - 22:02:31.875: (..\Blockchain.cpp:370) Organized chain in 0s
-INFO - 22:02:31.875: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:76) updated HEADERS db in 5s
-INFO - 22:02:31.890: (..\lmdb_wrapper.cpp:388) Opening databases...
-INFO - 22:02:31.921: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:1231) verifying txfilters integrity
-INFO - 22:02:35.015: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:1314) done checking txfilters
-INFO - 22:02:35.078: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:134) scanning new blocks from #505501 to #505500
-INFO - 22:02:35.078: (..\BlockchainScanner.cpp:52) no history to scan
-INFO - 22:02:35.078: (..\BlockchainScanner.cpp:1021) no SSH to scan
-INFO - 22:02:35.171: (..\lmdb_wrapper.cpp:388) Opening databases...
-INFO - 22:02:35.187: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:186) scanned new blocks in 0s
-INFO - 22:02:35.187: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:190) init db in 106s
-INFO - 22:02:35.187: (..\BDM_supportClasses.cpp:1891) Enabling zero-conf tracking
Nothing else happens... I've left it for several blocks... it shows "Node Offline (505500 Blocks)" in red, which is what the block height was when I opened Armory. No new blocks are scanned by ArmoryDB...
ArmoryLog is here:
https://pastebin.com/uM8LzpH7As you can see, there are "RPC connection established" and "Node is Ready" messages...
-INFO - 22:00:49.046: (..\nodeRPC.cpp:57) RPC connection established
-INFO - 22:00:49.109: (..\BlockDataManagerConfig.cpp:895) waiting on node sync: 0.999997%
-INFO - 22:00:49.109: (..\nodeRPC.cpp:425) Node is ready
But then nothing after that "zero-conf tracking" line... It is like ArmoryDB just stops. Bitcoin Core itself is happily updating and syncing new blocks... and if I close Armory and restart it, it'll sync up the new blocks, but again, "Node Offline"
As for pathing... ArmoryQt.conf is:
If all I do is run bitcoind instead... everything works. The only obvious difference I can see in the Bitcoin Core debug log when running BitcoinQT vs bitcoind is:
2018-01-22 08:53:31 AddLocal([2001:0:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx]:8333,1)
2018-01-22 08:53:31 Discover: MyPC - 2001:0:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx
2018-01-22 08:53:31 init message: Loading P2P addresses...
2018-01-22 09:22:08 AddLocal([2001:0:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx]:8333,1)
2018-01-22 09:22:08 Discover: MyPC - 2001:0:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx
2018-01-22 09:22:08 Bound to [::]:8333
2018-01-22 09:22:08 Bound to
2018-01-22 09:22:08 init message: Loading P2P addresses...
and if I use listen=1, and run BitcoinQT:
2018-01-22 09:37:19 AddLocal([2001:0:9d38:6abd:249c:1a7a:d0b7:40c2]:8333,1)
2018-01-22 09:37:19 Discover: HardCorePC - 2001:0:9d38:6abd:249c:1a7a:d0b7:40c2
2018-01-22 09:37:19 Bound to [::]:8333
2018-01-22 09:37:19 Bound to
2018-01-22 09:37:19 init message: Loading P2P addresses...
One last difference I just noted in dbLog.txt... when running bitcoind or QT with listen=1, I see this in the debug:
-INFO - 22:23:30.547: (..\BitcoinP2P.cpp:947) Connected to Bitcoin node
which (as the log file above shows) isn't there when I run QT without "listen"...