I'm switching the machine controlling my Offline wallets, and this time I'm setting up Armory on Windows. I'll start off by saying that I've never setup Armory on Windows, so something really trivial might be escaping me.
I've installed everything without any issue, added a wallet, pointed Armory to my Bitcoin Core install and to my blockchain files as usual... But it simply doesn't get out of offline mode. I've tried using Armory 0.93.2 and Bitcoin Core 0.10 and Bitcoin Core 0.10.2.
I'll copy what I think are the relevant lines on the logfile
2015-07-28 19:40 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2508 - Setting satoshi datadir = D:\Bitcoin
2015-07-28 19:40 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:282 - Total size of files in D:\Bitcoin\blocks is 38.5 GB
2015-07-28 19:40 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:321 - Found bitcoind in the following places:
2015-07-28 19:40 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:323 - C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe
2015-07-28 19:40 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:325 - Using: C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe
2015-07-28 19:40 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:496 - Reading bitcoin.conf file
2015-07-28 19:40 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:515 - Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf
2015-07-28 19:40 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:524 - Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf
2015-07-28 19:40 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:600 - Executing popen: [u'icacls', u'D:\\Bitcoin\\bitcoin.conf', u'/inheritance:r', u'/grant:r', u'*******:F']
2015-07-28 19:40 (ERROR) -- ArmoryQt.py:2476 - Failed to setup SDM
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ArmoryQt.py", line 2471, in startBitcoindIfNecessary
File "SDM.pyc", line 359, in setupSDM
File "SDM.pyc", line 529, in readBitcoinConf
File "armoryengine\ArmoryUtils.pyc", line 668, in subprocess_check_output
CalledProcessError: Command '[u'icacls', u'D:\\Bitcoin\\bitcoin.conf', u'/inheritance:r', u'/grant:r', u'*******:F']' returned non-zero exit status 5
Is it anything on Armory or this simply happens because Armory and Windows 10 still don't get along? I'm also posting this as a heads up for folks migrating tomorrow... There might be issues.