> I suspect you recently changed your Bitcoin home directory (--datadir)...?
Yes, today as a matter of fact
> If so, it's because you changed where Bitcoin-Qt is maintaining the latest blockfiles, but left the old one intact where Armory finds it and thinks it's the correct one
Possible. I have NOT removed previous wallet directory
> (and stops at 233400 because that's the last block in that directory).
Definitely no. That is where it used to stop previously.
> You either need to start Armory with the --satoshi-datadir=Z:\New\Path\to\bitcoinqt, or if you are in 0.88+, you can modify it in File->Settings.
> Let me know if that's not the problem.
You are right!!! I'm on the latest block now. Weird, it still says "2 months ago", but that's clearly BS: