here are my logfiles. I can't say if anything is wrong though.
I'm just wondering: where does armory finds the rpcuser and rpcpassword set in bitcoin.conf ? Does it read the file by itself ?
Here are the logfile, please sugest if you find anything seems wrong.
dblog.txt :
Log file opened at 21:54:09: /home/frederic/.armory/dbLog.txt
-INFO - 21:54:09: (main.cpp:32) Running on 4 threads
-INFO - 21:54:09: (main.cpp:33) Ram usage level: 50
-INFO - 21:54:09: (BlockUtils.cpp:915) blkfile dir: /home/bitcoin/blocks
-INFO - 21:54:09: (BlockUtils.cpp:916) lmdb dir: /home/frederic/.armory/databases
-INFO - 21:54:09: (lmdb_wrapper.cpp:388) Opening databases...
-INFO - 21:54:09: (BDM_Server.h:263) Listening on port 63601
-INFO - 21:54:09: (BlockUtils.cpp:1108) Executing: doInitialSyncOnLoad
-INFO - 21:54:09: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:199) Reading headers from db
-INFO - 21:54:09: (BDM_Server.cpp:1121) registered bdv: 8748f9976328f273299d
-INFO - 21:54:25: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:238) Found 366084 headers in db
-INFO - 21:54:27: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:64) Rewinding 100 blocks
-INFO - 21:54:27: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:71) updating HEADERS db
-INFO - 21:54:27: (Blockchain.cpp:248) Organizing chain
-INFO - 21:54:27: (Blockchain.cpp:370) Organized chain in 0s
-INFO - 21:54:27: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:76) updated HEADERS db in 0s
-INFO - 21:54:27: (lmdb_wrapper.cpp:388) Opening databases...
-INFO - 21:54:27: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:1231) verifying txfilters integrity
-INFO - 21:54:37: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:1314) done checking txfilters
-INFO - 21:54:37: (BDM_supportClasses.cpp:1891) Enabling zero-conf tracking
-INFO - 21:54:37: (BDM_supportClasses.cpp:401) Starting address registration proces
Armorylog.txt :
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1164 - C++ block utilities loaded successfully
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:689 - Executing popen: free -m
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:689 - Executing popen: ['cat', '/proc/cpuinfo']
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (ERROR) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1262 - Error getting system details:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/armory/armoryengine/ArmoryUtils.py", line 1260, in
SystemSpecs = GetSystemDetails()
File "/usr/local/lib/armory/armoryengine/ArmoryUtils.py", line 1255, in GetSystemDetails
out.HddAvailB = getHddSize(BTC_HOME_DIR) / (1024**3)
File "/usr/local/lib/armory/armoryengine/ArmoryUtils.py", line 1252, in getHddSize
s = os.statvfs(adir)
OSError: [Errno 2] Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type: '/home/frederic/.bitcoin'
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (ERROR) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1263 - Skipping.
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1281 -
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1282 -
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1283 -
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1284 - ************************************************************
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1285 - Invoked: /usr/local/bin/../lib/armory/ArmoryQt.py
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1286 - ************************************************************
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1287 - Loading Armory Engine:
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1288 - Armory Version : 0.96.5
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1289 - Armory Build: : None
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1290 - PyBtcWallet Version : 1.35
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1291 - Detected Operating system: Linux
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1292 - OS Variant : debian-9.9-
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1293 - User home-directory : /home/frederic
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1294 - Satoshi BTC directory : /home/frederic/.bitcoin
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1295 - Armory home dir : /home/frederic/.armory/
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1296 - Detected System Specs :
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1297 - Total Available RAM : -1.00 GB
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1298 - CPU ID string : Unknown
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1299 - Number of CPU cores : -1 cores
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1300 - System is 64-bit : Unknown
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1301 - Preferred Encoding : UTF-8
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1302 - Machine Arch : x86_64
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1303 - Available HDD (ARM) : -1 GB
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1304 - Available HDD (BTC) : -1 GB
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1305 -
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1306 - Network Name: Main Network
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1307 - Satoshi Port: 8333
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1308 - Do wlt check: True
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1309 - Named options/arguments to armoryengine.py:
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - force_segwit : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - nettimeout : 2
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - rescan : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - force_fcgi : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - ignoreAllZC : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - rescanBalance : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - disableModules : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - port : None
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - interport : 8223
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - coverageOutputDir: None
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - forceWalletCheck: False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - regtest : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - rebuild : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - thread_count : -1
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - datadir : DEFAULT
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - clearMempool : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - offline : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - armoryDBDir : DEFAULT
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - armorydb_port : 9001
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - satoshiPort : DEFAULT
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - disableConfPermis: False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - useTorSettings : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - netlog : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - keypool : 100
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - coverageInclude : None
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - forceOnline : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - disableWalletCheck: False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - redownload : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - rpcBindAddr :
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - armorydb_ip :
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - multisigFile : DEFAULT
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - ram_usage : -1
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - ignoreZC : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - logDisable : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - settingsPath : /home/frederic/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - language : en
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - db_type : DB_FULL
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - doDebug : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - enableDetSign : True
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - mtdebug : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - testnet : False
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - rpcport : DEFAULT
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - satoshiHome : DEFAULT
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - satoshiRpcport : DEFAULT
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - logFile : /home/frederic/.armory/ArmoryQt.py.log.txt
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1311 - verbosity : None
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1312 - Other arguments:
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1315 - ************************************************************
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:1720 - C++ block utilities loaded successfully
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:3578 - Using settings file: /home/frederic/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (ERROR) -- ArmoryUtils.py:3735 - Unsupported language specified. Defaulting to English (en)
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:3738 - Using Language: en
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- BDM.py:353 - Using the asynchronous/multi-threaded BlockDataManager.
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- BDM.py:354 - Blockchain operations will happen in the background.
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- BDM.py:355 - Devs: check TheBDM.getState() before asking for data.
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- BDM.py:356 - Registering addresses during rescans will queue them for
2019-07-15 21:54:05 (INFO) -- BDM.py:357 - inclusion after the current scan is completed.
2019-07-15 21:54:07 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:3578 - Using settings file: /home/frederic/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
2019-07-15 21:54:07 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2060 - loadWalletsAndSettings
2019-07-15 21:54:07 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2120 - Loading wallets...
2019-07-15 21:54:07 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2185 - Number of wallets read in: 1
2019-07-15 21:54:07 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2190 - Wallet (2u9MnnpPH): "Primary Wallet " (Encrypted)
2019-07-15 21:54:07 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2195 - Loading Multisig Lockboxes
2019-07-15 21:54:07 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1763 - acquiring process mutex...
2019-07-15 21:54:07 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1395 - setupUriRegistration
2019-07-15 21:54:07 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:689 - Executing popen: gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/bitcoin/command
2019-07-15 21:54:07 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:689 - Executing popen: xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/bitcoin
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:566 - Usermode: Expert
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1698 - Changing usermode:
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1699 - From: Expert
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1707 - To: Expert
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1836 - startBitcoindIfNecessary
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1872 - setSatoshiPaths
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1891 - Setting satoshi datadir = /home/bitcoin
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:689 - Executing popen: ['whereis', 'bitcoind']
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- SDM.py:292 - "whereis" returned: ['/usr/local/bin/bitcoind']
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (ERROR) -- SDM.py:308 - Bitcoind could not be found in the specified installation:
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (ERROR) -- SDM.py:310 - /home/bitcoin
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (ERROR) -- SDM.py:311 - Bitcoind is being started from:
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (ERROR) -- SDM.py:312 - /usr/local/bin/bitcoind
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- SDM.py:171 - Found bitcoind in the following places:
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- SDM.py:173 - /usr/local/bin/bitcoind
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- SDM.py:173 - /usr/local/bin/bitcoind
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- SDM.py:175 - Using: /usr/local/bin/bitcoind
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- SDM.py:340 - Called startBitcoind
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (WARNING) -- SDM.py:445 - Spawning bitcoind with command: /usr/local/bin/bitcoind -datadir=/home/bitcoin
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:689 - Executing popen: ['/usr/local/bin/bitcoind', '-datadir=/home/bitcoin']
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- SDM.py:451 - PID of bitcoind: 2428
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- SDM.py:452 - PID of armory: 2323
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:689 - Executing popen: ['python', '/usr/local/lib/armory/guardian.py', '2323', '2428']
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1872 - setSatoshiPaths
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1891 - Setting satoshi datadir = /home/bitcoin
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (WARNING) -- SDM.py:402 - Spawning DB with command: ArmoryDB --db-type="DB_FULL" --cookie --satoshi-datadir="/home/bitcoin/blocks" --satoshi-port=8333 --datadir="/home/frederic/.armory/" --dbdir="/home/frederic/.armory/databases"
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.py:689 - Executing popen: ['ArmoryDB', '--db-type="DB_FULL"', '--cookie', '--satoshi-datadir="/home/bitcoin/blocks"', '--satoshi-port=8333', '--datadir="/home/frederic/.armory/"', '--dbdir="/home/frederic/.armory/databases"']
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1824 - Connecting on port 63601
2019-07-15 21:54:09 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1923 - Setting netmode: 1
2019-07-15 21:54:10 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1905 - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2019-07-15 21:54:10 (ERROR) -- ArmoryQt.py:1198 - 10 attempts to load blockchain failed. Remove mempool.bin.
2019-07-15 21:54:10 (ERROR) -- ArmoryQt.py:1203 - File mempool.bin does not exist. Nothing deleted.
2019-07-15 21:54:10 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1923 - Setting netmode: 1
2019-07-15 21:54:10 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-07-15 21:54:10 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-07-15 21:54:16 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-07-15 21:54:19 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-07-15 21:54:20 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-07-15 21:54:21 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-07-15 21:54:22 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-07-15 21:54:24 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-07-15 21:54:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-07-15 21:54:25 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-07-15 21:54:27 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-07-15 21:54:27 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2019-07-15 21:54:37 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4672 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
Log file opened at 21:54:05: /home/frederic/.armory/armorycpplog.txt
-ERROR - 21:54:38: (StringSockets.cpp:351) FcgiSocket::writeAndRead FcgiError: unexpected fcgi header version