Yes : /home/mel/.armory/bitcoin-0.10.2/bin
But it's like armory not grabbing bitcoin-qt to start process. In older
bitcoin there was a bin/64 where bitcoin-qt resided and had no problem.
I have managed to get bitcoin-0.10.2 up, and processing by going
under the hood and starting bitcoin-qt manually last night.
It spent all night re-indexing database, and started bringing in recent
blocks. I shut the manual bitcoin-qt when it got to showing 4 hrs., then
kicked armory to see what happens.
It wouldn't start until I added to the bitcoin setting in armory:
Armory seems to start....funny thing...even though setting was saved,
when I checked right after....the addition bitcoin-qt does not show.
Not sure what that means....possible bug in armory ?
Right now armory is showing initialization at 31 blocks, and counting.
I don't know why this armory version has been so difficult to start ?