I'm about to post a bounty thread in the Armory sub-forum, to encourage someone to help me make a distributable OSX package, once and for all. I have zilch OSX experience, and people who do have OSX experience are struggling with this -- so it's way too daunting for me.
You'll see a thread, soon. There will probably be $1,000 worth of bounty for it!
make sure you get a few indepnedants to verify it....for bugs and worse esp if you know zip about it.
There will be thorough reviews of it before it's accepted and merged. Luckily, there's a lot of similarities between OSX and Linux... so it will be much easier for me to verify a correct solution than it will be to do it myself.
I'll be taking the "recipe" that the bounty-taker provides, and redownload all the libraries, and re-package it before I sign it. I'll also make sure to get testing on a variety of systems. But once a decent solution is found, even if it's got some minor issues, I can figure out the rest of it myself.