
Topic: Arrested 14-year-old gains presidential support (Read 369 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
September 20, 2015, 10:47:05 AM

Pulling Our Strings and Poking Us in the Eyes: The Ahmed Mohamed Fairy Tale

There can be no doubt that Americans are fortunate enough to be governed by a brilliantly conceived Constitution drafted by remarkable, intelligent men. Unfortunately, too many Americans are utterly ignorant of what it contains and how it impacts on their lives. Voter ignorance on this and so much else contributes to the ease with which the media manipulates public opinion into believing things which are not so. In this they play into the hands of a childishly narcissistic president who despises the values upon which our country was based, a man who repeatedly pokes our allies and us in the eyes to show that he can deeply offend without penalty.

1) The appalling ignorance of American voters.

A recent survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania found that a majority of Americans are unaware of what is considered basic knowledge of the Constitution.

This information, which was released Wednesday, comes on the cusp of the 228th anniversary of Constitution Day (Sept. 17).

Here are some of the most surprising findings from the survey

•    1 in 3 Americans believe the Bill of Rights guarantees the right to home ownership.

•    1 in 4 Americans believe the Bill of Rights guarantees “equal pay for equal work.”

•    1 in 3 Americans (31 percent) could name all three branches of the U.S. government and 32 percent could not identify a single branch.

•    1 in 4 Americans (28 percent) believe a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling is sent back to either Congress for reconsideration or to the lower courts for another decision.

•    1 in 10 Americans (12 percent) believe the Bill of Rights guarantees the right to own a pet.

•    25 percent of respondents agreed that “it might be better to do away with the court altogether” if it started making a lot of rulings most Americans disagreed with.

•    26 percent said when Congress disagrees with the Supreme Court’s decisions, it should pass legislation saying the court can no longer rule on that issue.

•    26 percent favored requiring a person to testify against himself in court.

•    46 percent opposed a prohibition on “double jeopardy,” or retrying a person for the same crime twice if new evidence emerged after a not-guilty verdict.

2) This Ill-Educated Public Is Remarkably Susceptible to Media Manipulation and the Ahmed Mohamed Case This Week is a Prime Example

Ahmed Mohamed is a young student in Texas who came to school with what he said was a homemade digital clock in a lunch box .It was very suspicious looking.

Questioned by teachers and then by police, according to WFAA: “officers said Ahmed was being ‘passive aggressive’ in his answers to their questions, and didn’t have a ‘reasonable answer’ as to what he was doing with the case. Investigators said the student told them that it was just a clock that he was messing around with.” Irving police officer James McLellan explained: “We attempted to question the juvenile about what it was and he would simply only say it was a clock. He didn’t offer any explanation as to what it was for, why he created this device, why he brought it to school.”

Why didn’t young Ahmed simply give McLellan the explanation he offered later, that he was planning to show the clock to an engineering teacher? This remains unexplained, but in part because of his non-cooperation, Ahmed Mohamed was arrested, and soon released without charge. An international firestorm ensued, with Obama inviting Ahmed to the White House….

The left-wing media quickly followed its customary stance of reporting baseless narratives in which Americans are portrayed as hopelessly racist and Islamophobic.


Activity: 28
Merit: 0

Instead of being credited with enlightenment for being the only white-majority country ever to elect a black leader, now we’re told that everything is about racism.

there are 2 groups in the US shadow gov.

group A believes in the US constitution as supreme, and the USA having a manifest destiny.

group B believes in a one world order under the un charter, with the goal of taking over the un to impose the US manifest destiny.

(there are other groups but they are outside of the shadow gov, ie useless and disposable).

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

How Ahmed’s clock became a false, convenient tale of racism

When is America going to get serious about the problem of white kids getting suspended from school for nothing?

By now you’ve heard the story of Ahmed Mohamed, crowned by the Daily Beast “The Muslim Hero America Has Been Waiting For” after the 14-year-old brought to school a beeping, strange-looking homemade concealed device that turned out to be a clock.

School officials, thinking, as 95% of Americans would, that it kinda looked like a bomb, hauled him out of class. Police put him in handcuffs and, even after the confusion passed, the boy was suspended from school.

That earned Mohamed a planned trip to the White House, a message of support from Hillary Clinton, an offer to stop by Facebook to meet Mark Zuckerberg and an invitation to be an intern at Twitter.

The police overreacted. Yet the device did look like something Ethan Hunt would lob out of a helicopter at the last minute in “Mission: Impossible.” As National Review’s Charles Cooke pointed out on Twitter, the scary-looking tangle of wires “looks a lot more like a bomb than a pop tart looks like a gun.”

Josh Welch, a white Maryland kid with ADHD who was 7 years old when he was kicked out of school for chewing a Pop-Tart into the shape of a pistol and pretending to shoot other students with it, must be puzzled.

Where’s his White House invitation? Where’s his chance to start networking at Facebook? His parents were forced to hire a lawyer and spent a year and a half just trying to get the suspension erased from the kid’s record. They were repeatedly refused.

“I stand with Ahmed, too. But I also stand with Alex Stone,” noted Reason writer Robby Soave. Alex Stone, a 16-year-old white kid from Summerville, SC, wrote a short story in which he imagined using a gun to kill a dinosaur. For this his locker was searched and he was arrested, handcuffed, charged with “disorderly conduct” and suspended from school for three days.

Obviously the White House and Mark Zuckerberg couldn’t be bothered to comment, but you’d think that, at the very least, Stephen King would have sent out a tweet expressing outrage that imagination was being punished.

In Dyer County, Tenn., Kendra Turner says she was suspended for saying, “Bless you” after a student sneezed, and that her teacher told her that she would have no “godly speaking in class.”

A school administrator said, “This was not a religious issue at all, but more of an issue the teacher felt was a distraction in her class.” Uh-huh. School leadership offered no explanation for the photos posted by students that showed “bless you” on a list of expressions banned in the classroom. Turner is still waiting for her call from President Obama.

Are white kids being punished en masse for dopey quasi-infractions because of their race? Of course not. That’s ridiculous.
But it’s equally absurd to suggest that you have to be Muslim, or brown-skinned, or live in Texas, to be subjected to overenthusiastic use of school discipline and police force.

“It never would have happened to a white kid”? It happens to white kids all. The. Time.

The main difference between the Ahmed Mohamed case and the others is that the mainstream media and the leftist point of view it presents just can’t let go of Ahmed. Ahmed is too useful to their narrative to be a one-day story.

That Bristol Palin said on Facebook that President Obama didn’t need to get involved in the situation proved irresistible for the media, which loves to depict America as a bitter standoff between red-state hicks on the one hand and sophisticated members of the cool bicoastal techno-media club on the other.

Let’s just savor for a moment that the musings of the daughter of an unemployed former governor constitute national news. This year the brother of a sitting president made derogatory comments about the leader of the free world and the reaction from the media was crickets.
Malik Obama gets the courtesy of being ignored because he has also said some crazy things. Now imagine Bristol Palin making loony statements. Would the media decline to cover them?

For 14 years and two weeks now, the left has been desperate to find some evidence, any evidence, that Muslims in general are facing deep-seated discrimination because a few Muslims attacked us on 9/11.

That American Muslims have instead mostly been treated with respect and courtesy ought to be a point of pride, but at no point will the left ever say, “Isn’t it great that we’re such a pluralistic and tolerant country?”

The left-led push to turn a man who was, as of 2004, an obscure state senator with no particular accomplishments, into the president four years later, was centrally and crucially about race. Everyone else was being subjected to a bait-and-switch.

Instead of being credited with enlightenment for being the only white-majority country ever to elect a black leader, now we’re told that everything is about racism.

sr. member
Activity: 309
Merit: 250
The 9th grader arrested for making a clock is gaining huge support online.

Ahmed Mohamed, a 14-year-old Muslim student from Irving, Texas, was proud of the clock (pictured above) he built to bring to class. But instead of being praised by his teachers, he was handcuffed because they suspected it was a bomb to blow up the place.

Now, some of the top leaders in the U.S. are coming forward on social media to show their support, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Mark Zuckerberg. #IStandWithAdhmed, meanwhile, is a top trending hashtag on Twitter as of Wednesday afternoon.

“They arrested me and they told me that I committed the crime of a hoax bomb, a fake bomb,” the freshman later said to WFAA.

“She was like, it looks like a bomb,” he told the Dallas News about the principal’s decision. He added, “It doesn’t look like a bomb to me.”

Here’s a round-up of just some of those reactions.

Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, took to his social media site to add his two cents.

"You’ve probably seen the story about Ahmed, the 14 year old student in Texas who built a clock and was arrested when he took it to school.
Having the skill and ambition to build something cool should lead to applause, not arrest. The future belongs to people like Ahmed.
Ahmed, if you ever want to come by Facebook, I’d love to meet you. Keep building."
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