I wonder how much really gets spent on the lives of MEPs and what they dish out to their cronies and the likes?..
Now just think WHY do we need to spend all that money on a bunch of people giving us rules?<
I just wonder how much really we spend on a bunch of MEPs to tell us all how it is ..We pay MEPS to tell us how to live and that's the stupid bit ..
Why are we paying out so much to people who make rules that benefit themselves and their crew more than others ? ..
We pay billions and billions for NOTHING i have a better idea..Why not just get our own MPs and other European countries MPs to talk about how we should all live in a common law in the EUROPEAN nations..Like don't murder someone < a very common law but ok to murder in SAUDI not so common..
And i saved billions and billions on MEPs that do NOTHING but cost us more in money for telling us lies and making shit up for their own jobs ..
And the jobs they hold are useless jobs that don't do no help but cost us more when that money can go on hospitals homes and what not not stupid MEPs that talk bull..