1. One core contains 55 000 transistors. Overally 8 cores per chip.
2. 5Ghases/s means 625 Mhashes per core.
3. Therefore his chip makes 1 hash per one tick (Hz) at 625Mhz.
4. Modern (like Intel) chip contains >50 mln transistors. They run at around 2GHz.
5. If such chip have special architecture, it would have about 1000 cores and would make around 2Thashes/s.
6. This is theoretical maximum for modern technology. There will be no breakthrough in mining since that.
There will be no breakthrough in mining since that!
I expect to see such chips next summer. And I'd make preorder for them around 1000-5000 pieces.
Is here any person or company who would make such chips true?
not all transistors are used in cores in modern processors ))