Segwit would break the ASICBoost part of hardware, right?
Can you please elaborate on which fundamentals you refer to?
(Serious question, I truly want to understand my ignorance in this speculation)
Thanks for your reply. I enjoy the speculation.
Have any secret covert ASICBoost public miners announced that their secret way of making 20% extra secretly still works fine on testnet, just without the extra secret 20%?
Have any secret covert ASICBoost miners have announced that "whoops! our covert ASICBoost chips don't work on segwit testnet" to the community when they tried?
Or would they more realistically say "gosh darn, these chips are glitchy and crash alot with segwit, well lets keep our mouths shut and try like hell to block segwit on mainnet for as long as possible, hopefully we can ROI on this stuff before anyone finds out"?
But I guess with the extra $$, glitches can be replaced and fixed up pretty quickly. I mean you gotta make major, major chip fuckups to burn through $100 million(s) profit, right?