0.09 is just ridiculous.
iirc ipo was 0.15 0.1btc, besides lack of info anything below 0.2 still feels like a bargain.
How is 80,000 BTC for the whole company a bargain? Either in fiat or BTC.
0.2btc -> 52 mio $ (@650$/btc) company value...huh on second thought, ok let's say 0.15.
depends from what side you look at it.
besides the current lack of info the cat is literally sitting at the source of the cheapest chips in the whole industry in combo with concepts for mining containers (first full feature makrogame approach i've seen so far in btcland)
if the schedule for the datacenter rollout is on track this could spit out some nice divs in combo with the profits of chipsales . (...perhaps 30-50% return this year depending on gen4?)
i still miss signs for more agressive expansion of their mining operation though.
atm i'm just hanging in there waiting for updates, please read speculation thread for my perspective.
no intention to awaken the sockpuppets in here.