Q2 Financial ReportASICMiner has paid out a total of 117,515.62 BTC over the last quarter, a 74.05% increase from last quarter (67,515.09). Listed below are the weekly dividend payouts:
ASICMiner's revenue originates from both mining and hardware sales.
- Mining income this quarter resulted in 65,766.79 BTC, with 64,441.84 paid out. This indicates a 12.38% increase of 57,338.24 from last quarter, despite the 4x increase in difficulty (15,605,633 to 65,750,060).
- Net hardware sales income resulted in 52,035.07 BTC, indicating a 157.71% increase from last quarter (20,190.97).
Note: The term "Net hardware sales" was used because all expenses were deducted from gross sales revenue, while nearly all mining income was paid out. The sheer increase in sales revenue is largely due to sales starting at the end of last quarter.
ASICMiner Share Info/ValueOf the 400k shares, approximately 45k shares exist on whole share passthrus (burnside, Ukyo, and TAT). From June 1 to Aug 28, BTCT share prices increased from 2.481 to a high of 5.14 and fell back down to an average of 2.78 on August 28th's dividend payment. Share prices were determined by the the trading volume from the previous week's dividend payment up until the announcement of the direct share dividend payment of the following week.
Upcoming CompetitionOther Startups:
- Labcoin/ActiveMining
- 200 TH/s (via Bitfury)/IceDrill/Alydian
- CoinTerra/HashFast/Bitfury/KnC Miner
- Others not mentioned
ASICMiner has maintained the position as industry leader up to this point but adequate competition appears to be on the way. Companies like Labcoin/ActivemMining hope to enter as both mining farms/hardware sales. Large scale mines like 200 TH/s, IceDrill, and others plan to get their hardware soon and deploy in the coming months. Alydian is taking a similar approach to ASICMiner's "hardware franchising", renting out TH/s for a fixed duration. CoinTerra, Hashfast, Bitfury, & KnC Miner have joined Avalon/BFL in sales, taking preorders for the fall shipment.
Hardware SalesBlock Eruptor blades and USBs have continued to sell well, with the noticible decrease in price as other appealing alternatives appear. With such high demand for hardware, competitors now promise more efficient/smaller chips. Bitfountain is aware that hardware sales will soon become a very crowded market; turning into a commodity war, to fighting over razor thin profit margins. Their advantage still, is being able to get hardware into consumer hands quicker than anyone else.
Looking ForwardLittle by little, more information is starting to come out on Bitfountain's 2nd generation chip. While the latest friedcat updates indicate 2nd gen assembly in September/October, investors have considered if those estimates are enough against the exponential hashrate growth. Friedcat has done his best to maintain the balance of being transparent as possible to investors without revealing too many trade secrets to the competition. Keep in mind that Bitfountain has run all possible simulations of selling all hardware to mining with all hardware and everything in between, choosing what is most profitable for the collective whole. Realize that they've done their research with all the new companies that hope to take the top spot from them.
All current investors should know that there are large scale plans in place for Bitfountain/ASICMiner in the fall. The
"leaked" slides talk of the second mine deployment (~1 PH/s) and a larger variety of mining hardware. Competition is coming, there is no doubt about that. Any investor thinking otherwise is only deluding themselves. For those that think Bitfountain/ASICMiner's days are numbered, my question to you is this: If not them, then whom?
Disclaimer: I own ASICMINER shares. If there are numbers that are incorrect, please PM me. The remarks and points made are solely my own, and not BitFountain/ASICMiner. Any suggestions/critiques are always appreciated (via PM). Lastly, I only ask that if you're going to repost this somewhere else, please credit myself as the author.
Edit: Added the link for the slides, presented by Rockxie