Don't store funds at exchanges, be your own bank. It's as simple as that. If you need to trade, deposit, buy/sell, withdraw, all within an hour, don't keep funds at exchanges longer. Exchanges are a point of failure. Cryptos are quite vulnerable due to various factors as is. Why add another danger by keeping funds at exchanges is beyond my understanding.
Yep i agree that is the general consensus and if follow it.
But one of the problems Bitcoin has for bigger adoption from investors is the lack of liquidity and it will continue like that if people is not free to do as they want.
Also if you ask any group of individuals to forget about what they want to do in crypto, they won't join or have a lower rate of adoption (in this case very short term investors or maybe traders).
Why not cater to everybody?
Multisig would solve that and in the special cases where one account transfer can destroy a whole economy i think at least it should be mandatory.
Listen to Let's talk bitcoin episode about Armory. Companies DEMAND some multisig possibilities for their wallets.
At the moment i think there are not many more options but only armory on bitcoin.
Maybe while more security options appear around the many different wallets and the many different coins, allowing multisig some security could be implemented in the protocol so there are some limitations for huge amounts of money that can kill a coin entirely >1%
I don't see armory forks for every single altcoin appearing in the cryptoworld in the short term. And even if they appear what if one exchange is using a specific library and it is not using an armory-like wallet.
Just wondering. Would be so difficult to add in the protocol itself that when one transfer is bigger than a specific amount of the available coins, there is a time delay or some kind of verification is needed after 100 blocks?
Anyway i am not an expert, i just wanted to open a thread for this issue to be considered.
I cannot recall how many hacks we had already in the crypto world and a time delay mechanism that was already there in the Real Wild West (1800+) Banks could do miracles to avoid this kind of things.
Is it so difficult to add a two factor authentication for crypto wallets? bitcoin-qt and all their alts, etc.? That would do miracles aswell.
While more advanced security features come, Is a mail verification mandatory for any transaction bigger than 1% of the total coins sent from the very same crypto wallet very difficult? because vericoin and nxt problems would have been solved just with that i guess.