Hello guys,
I would like to ask help from someone who already have the same issue as I am unable to find support where I bought this motherboard they are just a website and they have no clue and right now I dont know what can be damaged or if I'm doing something wrong.
The issue is that I try to build mining rig and I bought all parts, but I don't have any GPU yet because everywhere is all out of stock, so in the meantime I was thinking to just install windows10 and wait.
The problem become when I discovered that my motherboard doesn't have any HDMi or VGA output for my monitor, so I have to buy new cable DVI-D to HDMi convertor.
After I plugged this in motherboard there was no signal in my monitor at all.
I plug all cables correctly, I doublecheck if some pins are good connected , I make sure all 'clicked' when push and plug, I try reset button in motherboard, I tried put out the small lithium battery out for couple of seconds, I tried full HD monitor, I tried also 720p monitor, but nothing works.
My setup is also correct and all parts are supporting each other.
My parts of mining rig:
1. CPU Processor: Intel Core i3-7100 @ 3.9GHz / 2C4T / 128kB, 512kB, 3MB / HD Graphics 630 / 1151 / Kaby Lake / 51W
2. RAM: HyperX 8GB DDR4 2400 MHz CL15 FURY series
3. SSD: Western Digital Blue 3D NAND SSD 250GB M.2
4. Motherboard: ASROCK MB H110 PRO BTC+ (intel 1151, 2x DDR4, GLAN, 13x PCIe, 4xSATA3 +M.2, USB3, DVI, ATX)
5. Power supply:(1800w from China, but it is rated very well so I wanted save money so I bought from here) https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32857672148.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.4cb14c4dbftt2GAny help I really appreciate because right now I don't know what to do.