i always liked the idea of having a lot of money, and now i am really living that movie, lmao.
But yes, maybe you are right, we need to consider to say that we have X amount of bitcoin, but mBtc? No, that is an useless term to call bitcoin, i do not understand why we have Bits-mBtc-mMbtc, etc, Satoshis are a good thing because we are reffering to the founder, and that is fine.
You are right, but maybe bitcoin is not very famous at the moment, and that is the main reason of why we dont use those terms.
I think using the term mBTC would actually be a good idea, not because I like the term mBTC, but if you express a common commodity in BTC or Satoshi it´s not a common figure, while mBTC would suit just fine.
1 mBTC = 11.16 US$, so you could say you buy yourself a meal which costs 0.95 mBTC, quite a nice figure.