The exact opposite is true...
Atheist countries have the least crime, and the happiest people
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, etc... predominantly atheist countries top this list, and all the countries at the bottom are highly religious
I backpacked through Sweden 14 years ago. It was very nice back then. Lets take a moment and take a look at Sweden from a broad view.
Sweden is the 'least religious' nation in Western world eight out of ten Swedes are either "not religious" or "convinced atheists", according to a new global study that concludes the Nordic nation is the least religious in the West.
So what has been going on lately in the 'least religious' nation in the Western world. Well unfortunately crime rates are rising.
Yes, Violent Crime Has Spiked In Sweden
Sweden’s official statistics do show increases in “lethal violence” (which includes murder, manslaughter and other deadly assaults) and sexual offenses over the past ten years. Between 2006 and 2015 the incidence of “lethal violence” does fluctuate, but there is a sharp 65 percent spike from 2012 to 2015. In the same period, there was also an almost 49 percent increase in sexual offenses (a category including, among other offenses, rape). Looking at rape by itself, from 2006-2015 there was a 40 percent increase in the number of reported rapes.
Depression among the Sweedish youth is climbing.
Why Sweden's Youth Take More Antidepressants than Ever numbers of young Swedes reporting that they suffer from depression, anxiety or other mental health disorders has risen in the last 30 years. That increase has in turn led to a significant rise in prescriptions of antidepressants. In fact, according to the Swedish health authorities, antidepressant prescriptions increased by 36 percent between 2006 and 2012.
Here is a blog report from someone who backpacked through Sweeden last year. Although this is an individual report and must be taken as such he describes a country that sounds nothing like the place I visited 14 years ago.
Sweden Has Committed Suicide - A Letter From Stockholm those who haven’t heard, Sweden is the butt of just about every joke on the internet. Swedish men are mocked for their effeminacy and the country’s “tolerant” attitude towards migrants astounds many people. It is hard to believe some of the news stories about rapings, gropings and cultural marxist insanity that come out of Sweden on a weekly basis.
I assumed much of this was hyperbole, but I was so painfully, agonizingly, and completely DEAD WRONG.
But but they are happy right? So its all well and good? Sweden has consistently ended up high on happiness lists thanks to relatively strong social support and affluence. However, there are rumblings that this is starting to change. Swedish happiness looks to be dropping.
Swedes drop to world's tenth happiest country Swedes no longer as happy as they used to be? According to a new report Sweden has dropped to the world's 10th happiest country, down from fifth place three years ago.
So the 'least religious' nation is the western world appears to be on a bit of a downward trajectory. We will all get to watch the consequences as they play out slowly over the coming years.