I just thought it made sense to believe in a God who's all powerful, all knowing, and I thought that's the only way the universe began, by the creation of God.
I was a believer not blindly, but, by choice. Because, my logic said that there is a God.
It's my same reasoning that has turned me into an agnostic today.
When I question, why was the universe so unorganized? Why did God create that piece of black holes thousands of light years away if his focus was on human beings, why would a God be so selfish that he wants eternal praise, what was God doing before creating everything and does God doesn't know something which he doesn't know?
I got the only answer, "you are human and can't understand God as he's beyond logic".
Hence, my weird questions got no satisfaction.
Today, I believe that the universe is itself eternal. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed and needs no God to create it.
However, I'm open to the idea of big bang as well as maybe, a powerful force (which can be called God) created it.
But I don't know, I can just believe. I can never know.
But since I was believer before, one of my part sometimes call me back saying you are wrong. You are on wrong path and just don't want to believe by your own choice. You will be I'm hell for it. And I get scared.
What's your opinion on it? Do you get this feeling too, how do you cope with it?
If you just rely the existence of God in the Big Bang then there is still not evidence on how the world was created.
And my thought, is what pushed the Big Bang to happen and the world was created? Because if it was something that Physical powers created then why it didn't happen again, and it happened only once?