There are possibly two minor issues I stumbled upon:
Bob can decide to abandon the trade after step 4 (after Alice's publication of TXXcoin). This would give Alice a disadvantage as she would lose transaction fees and her coins would stay locked for 72 hours. But she wouldn't pay for the premium in this case. Bob could get an advantage from that if there is a very fast price change in the time before the operation which would benefit Alice if she performed the trade (in our example, Bitcoin going up fastly against Xcoin).
I think however, that this would simply lead to slightly lower prices for the option (i.e. the premium payment) than if this issue didn't exist. I don't know if the issue is solvable.
A more dangerous but highly unlikely attack is maybe possible if Bob bribes a strong mining pool. In step 8, if Alice's decision to follow the trade comes late (e.g. one block before the timelock expiration for TXbtc0) or has low fees, Bob and the miner could collaborate to orphan Alice's transaction, so Bob can double spend the input and thus could invalidate TXbtc in the next block. But Alice can always prevent this reacting fast and including a generous miner fee. Maybe, however, 12 blocks is a bit short for the timelock. It is however difficult to imagine a situation where the miner would accept a bribe for this operation which is lower than the premium payment, and it also isn't guaranteed to be successful if the miner doesn't own 50%+.
I'll wait a bit if there is more feedback on this, but I would like to propose this protocol to be added to atomic swap tools like AtomicDEX and Liquality if there are no major issues with it.
Edit: I have maybe found a way to deal with the problem that Bob can abandon the trade after TXXcoin which would not need additional complexity.
Instead of waiting for Alice to confirm TXXcoin and then publishing TXbtc0, Bob could sign TXbtc0 and send it to Alice. It would be Alice the party which would broadcast this transaction, together with TXXcoin.
The advantage: Alice would only lose transaction fees for TXXcoin if Bob decided to abandon the trade while the 12 block timelock of TXbtc0 lasts. But then Bob would also lose the transaction fees for TXbtc0.
A "malicious" Alice could obviously broadcast TXbtc0 and then abandon the trade. However, Alice has absolutely no incentive for that (other than harming Bob) and the harm to Bob is minimal as the timelock is short. Instead, if Bob abandons the trade after TXXcoin, the timelock for Alice is longer than the time until the option expiration, and as I wrote above he could indeed have incentives to abandon the trade if the BTC price is increasing.
In theory, Alice and Bob could even provide half of the transaction fees for TXbtc0 each, so both have something to lose. This would obviously only make sense if the fees are very high (and there is extremely little trust between both).
(I've found my thought flaw: From the point Bob publishes TXbtc0 on, Alice has also control about TXbtc.)