I had chance upon this research..
The author had through multiple signatures found the private key through less than 4 bits of nonce leakage.
My problem is, i do not know the k nonce. there is no leakage. I do not know the private key. i do not know the message that was used.. So i modify the script accordingly. i believe if it takes less than 4 bits of nonce leakage to eventually gain the private key,
I could 'leak' the 6 bits of the k nonce. try on every pattern (Total This script will try all 262,144 (64^3) possible combinations) and eventually get the right 'leak' for the full k nonce.
Notwithstanding using GPU, CPU ONLY, it will take me roughly 22 hours to complete the full pattern.
I tried following the method describe in the research very closely and as much as i can.
Thank You. I Appreciate your opinion.
Written in Sagemath / Python
import os
os.environ['CUDA_PATH'] = '/usr/local/cuda-11.5'
import time
import logging
import multiprocessing
import cupy as cp
import pickle
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Print CUDA version for verification
logger.info(f"CUDA version: {cp.cuda.runtime.runtimeGetVersion()}")
logger.info(f"CuPy version: {cp.__version__}")
a, b = 0, 7
E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [a, b])
G = E(0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798,
n = G.order()
def ecdsa_to_hnp(signatures, l):
logger.info(f"Converting {len(signatures)} ECDSA signatures to HNP instances")
q = n
w = q // (2**(l+1))
samples = []
for sig in signatures:
r = int(sig['r'], 16)
s = int(sig['s'], 16)
z = int(sig['z'], 16)
t = (Mod(r, q) * Mod(s, q)**(-1)) % q
a = (Mod(z, q) * Mod(s, q)**(-1) - w) % q
samples.append((t, a))
logger.info(f"Conversion complete. Generated {len(samples)} HNP samples")
return samples
def construct_lattice(samples, x, l):
logger.info(f"Constructing lattice with {len(samples)} samples, x={x}, l={l}")
m = len(samples)
q = int(n)
w = q // (2**(l+1))
B = matrix(ZZ, m+1, m+1)
for i in range(m-1):
B[i, i] = q
B[m-1, :m-1] = [x * t for t, _ in samples]
B[m-1, m-1] = x
B[m, :m-1] = [a for _, a in samples]
B[m, m] = int((w * w // 3)**0.5)
logger.info(f"Lattice construction complete. Dimension: {B.nrows()} x {B.ncols()}")
return cp.array(B.numpy())
def gpu_lll(B, delta=0.99):
logger.info(f"Starting GPU-accelerated LLL reduction on {B.shape[0]}x{B.shape[1]} matrix")
Q, R = qr(B)
n = B.shape[0]
k = 1
while k < n:
for j in range(k-1, -1, -1):
mu = cp.round(R[j,k] / R[j,j])
if mu != 0:
R[:j+1,k] -= mu * R[:j+1,j]
Q[:,k] -= mu * Q[:,j]
if delta * R[k-1,k-1]**2 > R[k,k]**2 + R[k-1,k]**2:
R[[k-1,k]] = R[[k,k-1]]
Q[:,[k-1,k]] = Q[:,[k,k-1]]
k = max(k-1, 1)
k += 1
logger.info("GPU-accelerated LLL reduction complete")
return Q @ R
def gpu_bkz(B, block_size=20):
logger.info(f"Starting GPU-accelerated BKZ reduction with block size {block_size}")
n = B.shape[0]
for i in range(0, n - block_size + 1):
logger.debug(f"Processing block {i}/{n - block_size}")
block = B[i:i+block_size, i:i+block_size]
block = gpu_lll(block)
B[i:i+block_size, i:i+block_size] = block
logger.info("GPU-accelerated BKZ reduction complete")
return B
def gauss_sieve(B, target_norm, max_list_size=None):
logger.info(f"Starting Gauss sieve with target norm {target_norm}")
L = []
S = []
C = B.get().tolist() # Convert CuPy array to list
while C:
v = C.pop(0)
v = cp.array(v) # Convert back to CuPy array for GPU operations
if cp.linalg.norm(v) > target_norm:
if not L:
changed = True
while changed:
changed = False
for w in L:
if cp.linalg.norm(v - w) < cp.linalg.norm(v):
v = v - w
changed = True
elif cp.linalg.norm(v + w) < cp.linalg.norm(v):
v = v + w
changed = True
if cp.linalg.norm(v) <= target_norm:
if max_list_size and len(L) > max_list_size:
L.sort(key=lambda x: cp.linalg.norm(x))
L = L[:max_list_size]
logger.info(f"Gauss sieve complete. Found {len(L)} vectors")
return L
def interval_reduction(low, high, samples, q, l):
logger.info(f"Starting interval reduction: [{low}, {high}]")
M = high - low + 1
N = int(np.log2(M).ceil())
R = [(low, high)]
for t, a in samples[:N]:
R_new = []
for interval in R:
low, high = interval
n_min = ((t * low - a - q/(2**(l+1))) // q).ceil()
n_max = ((t * high - a + q/(2**(l+1))) // q).floor()
for n in range(n_min, n_max + 1):
new_low = max(low, ((a + n*q - q/(2**(l+1))) // t).ceil())
new_high = min(high, ((a + n*q + q/(2**(l+1))) // t).floor())
if new_low <= new_high:
R_new.append((new_low, new_high))
R = R_new
logger.info(f"Interval reduction complete. Resulting intervals: {len(R)}")
return R
def pre_screening(alpha0, samples, q, l, x):
logger.debug(f"Pre-screening candidate α₀: {alpha0}")
w = q // (2**(l+1))
result = all(abs(((x * t * alpha0 - a + q//2) % q) - q//2) <= w + q//(2**(l+4)) for t, a in samples)
logger.debug(f"Pre-screening result: {'Passed' if result else 'Failed'}")
return result
def improved_linear_predicate(v, samples, q, l, tau):
logger.debug(f"Checking improved linear predicate for v: {v}")
if v[0] == 0 or abs(v[0]) > q/(2**(l+1)) or abs(v[1]) != tau:
logger.debug("Predicate failed initial checks")
return None
k0 = -np.sign(v[1]) * v[0] + q/(2**(l+1))
alpha = (Mod(samples[0][1] + k0, q) * Mod(samples[0][0], q)**(-1)) % q
N = 2 * int(np.log2(q).ceil())
M = sum(1 for t, a in samples[:N] if abs((t * alpha - a) % q) < q/(2**l))
if M > N * (1 - np.log2(q)/(2**l) + 2**(-l)) / 2:
logger.debug(f"Predicate passed. Potential α: {alpha}")
return int(alpha)
logger.debug("Predicate failed final check")
return None
def decomposition_predicate(v, samples, q, l, tau, x):
logger.debug(f"Checking decomposition predicate for v: {v}")
if v[0] == 0 or abs(v[0]) > q/(2**(l+1)) or abs(v[1]) != tau:
logger.debug("Decomposition predicate failed initial checks")
return None
low = -np.sign(v[1]) * v[0] - x//2
high = -np.sign(v[1]) * v[0] + x//2
R = interval_reduction(low, high, samples, q, l)
for interval in R:
for h in range(interval[0], interval[1] + 1):
alpha = improved_linear_predicate((h, -tau), samples, q, l, tau)
if alpha is not None and pre_screening(alpha, samples, q, l, x):
logger.info(f"Decomposition predicate found potential solution: {alpha}")
return alpha
logger.debug("Decomposition predicate failed to find a solution")
return None
def progressive_bkz_sieve(B, predicate, start_dim=20, step=5, max_dim=None):
if max_dim is None:
max_dim = B.shape[0]
for d in range(start_dim, max_dim + 1, step):
logger.info(f"Processing dimension {d}")
B_sub = B[:d, :d]
B_sub = gpu_bkz(B_sub, block_size=min(20, d))
target_norm = cp.sqrt(4/3) * cp.linalg.det(B_sub)**(1/d)
logger.info(f"Target norm for dimension {d}: {target_norm}")
sieved_vectors = gauss_sieve(B_sub, target_norm, max_list_size=d*10)
logger.info(f"Checking predicates for {len(sieved_vectors)} vectors")
for v in sieved_vectors:
sk = predicate(v[-2:])
if sk is not None:
logger.info(f"Found potential solution: {sk}")
return sk
logger.info("Progressive BKZ-sieve completed without finding a solution")
return None
def try_nonce_patterns(args):
signatures, l, x, pubkey, patterns = args
logger.info(f"Trying nonce pattern: {patterns}")
modified_sigs = [{**sig, 'r': hex(int(sig['r'], 16) ^ (p << (256 - l)))[2:].zfill(64)}
for sig, p in zip(signatures, patterns)]
samples = ecdsa_to_hnp(modified_sigs, l)
B = construct_lattice(samples, x, l)
def predicate(v):
return decomposition_predicate(v, samples, int(n), l, int(B[-1, -1].get()), x)
sk = progressive_bkz_sieve(B, predicate, start_dim=20)
if sk:
recovered_pubkey_point = sk * G
recovered_pubkey = '04' + hex(recovered_pubkey_point[0])[2:].zfill(64) + hex(recovered_pubkey_point[1])[2:].zfill(64)
if recovered_pubkey == pubkey:
logger.info(f"Successfully recovered private key: {hex(sk)}")
return sk
logger.info(f"Failed to recover private key for pattern: {patterns}")
return None
def save_progress(completed_patterns):
logger.info(f"Saving progress. Completed patterns: {len(completed_patterns)}")
with open("progress.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(completed_patterns, f)
def load_progress():
if os.path.exists("progress.pkl"):
with open("progress.pkl", "rb") as f:
completed_patterns = pickle.load(f)
logger.info(f"Loaded progress. Completed patterns: {len(completed_patterns)}")
return completed_patterns
logger.info("No previous progress found. Starting from scratch.")
return set()
def main():
signatures = [
'r': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
's': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'z': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'r': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
's': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'z': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'r': '5caxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
's': '21bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'z': 'hexadecimalxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
l = 6 # 6-bit guessing
x = 2**15
pubkey = "04xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
all_patterns = list(itertools.product(range(2**l), repeat=len(signatures)))
completed_patterns = load_progress()
patterns_to_try = [p for p in all_patterns if p not in completed_patterns]
num_processors = min(24, multiprocessing.cpu_count())
logger.info(f"Using {num_processors} processors")
with multiprocessing.Pool(num_processors) as pool:
args = [(signatures, l, x, pubkey, pattern) for pattern in patterns_to_try]
for i, result in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(try_nonce_patterns, args)):
if result is not None:
print(f"Successfully recovered private key: {hex(result)}")
if (i+1) % 1000 == 0:
logger.info(f"Completed {i+1}/{len(patterns_to_try)} pattern combinations")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.info("Interrupted by user. Saving progress...")
print("Failed to recover the private key.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
The code is pretty much self explanatory. i already extended some definitions that has no #comments so its easier for you to read and understand what the code is achieving..
PS: i had remove some library imports.