It would cost about .135
BTC to get this good chunk on trex right now.. You will get 143,000 SPRTS + a few extra.
These stake 10% in the first 5 days and then 2% every day thereafter, and are cheap right now in general IMO plus discount here..
Get yourself a good block to stake cheap
146,000 for .116
BTC = just under 82 sat each..
Terms: I receive the full auction
BTC price. So either you find a free trusted escrow, you pay for the escrow fee, or you send first with no escrow.
Starting bit: .116
BTCMinimum increment: .001
BTCI'll end the auction when I want I guess with 30 min warning post here.. Sound fair? Probably by the end of the night if bids come, 6 hours ish maybe..
Let me know if this needs improvement, my first attempt at an auction here..
Edit: oops .116
BTC not .16