This is an atypical signature space auction. Why would you ever buy the signature space of someone with -9999 trust? Well, you can own a piece of bitcoin history, and get legendary-styled signature space on more than 7700 posts; many with significant historical value.
If you're not sure who I am, have a read of these two threads: finally, in this year I offered a reimbursement program, which reimbursed a majority of users with a majority of their balances in BTC terms: Will you actually add my signature?A: Yes, see my trust feedback from Blazed after the whole mess:;u=67058---
Auction termsYou get my full signature space for a period of
six months.
You may ask me to update the signature at any time. I will get to it within a reasonable period of time.
The minimum bid is 0.01 BTC.
Bids must be made at increments of 0.002 BTC. (e.g. 0.01 -> 0.012 is valid, anything less is not).
You must be Member of above to bid, or you must pre-pay your bid for it to be valid.
Auction ends on November 28th 00:01 UTC.