I remember looking in to the crypto candle when I first saw their cheesy ass ad years back (believe I’ve even got that advertisement video saved somewhere). I read their Terms of Service and it was a complete scam. I wonder if they actually ever paid out any bitcoin to winners, or if there’s any information out there that talks about it being a skam. Regardless, interesting part of Bitcoin history.
Also, it probably doesn't smell all that good either. Stop bidding!
Jokes aside I'm bidding for the novelty, saw it auctioned before and the concept seems interesting.
Lol, you should have seen the TOS for this thing seriously ..and the commercial for that matter (will try to dig it up). Btw you accidentally bid the same amount as the previous bidder of the candle. Hopefully for the both of us another one pops up before long so we can try our luck again (I forgot the auction closed today, otherwise would have bid again). Until then ..
Here are the TOS: https://web.archive.org/web/20190804214237/https://thecryptocandle.com/terms-and-conditions/
And a Steemit article: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@philnewton/crypto-candle-fun-or-scam